@article{cisuc-1125-2005, author={Brabazon, A. and Silva, A. and Sousa, T. and O'Neill, M. and Matthews, R. and Costa, E. }, title={Organizational strategic adaptation in the presence of inertia}, journal={Advances in Complex Systems}, volume={8}, number={4}, pages={497--520}, year=2005, address={n/a}, } @article{cisuc-1507-2005, author={Brabazon, A. and Silva, A. and Sousa, T. and O'Neill, M. and Matthews, R. and Costa, E. }, title={Investigating Strategic Inertia Using OrgSwarm}, journal={Informatica}, number={29}, pages={125--141}, year=2005, address={n/a}, } @article{cisuc-1627-2005, author={Brabazon, A. and Silva, A. and Sousa, T. }, title={InventSim: An Agent-Based Model of Product Invention}, journal={Inteligencia Artificial, Revista Iberoamericana de I.A.}, volume={9}, number={28}, pages={77--84}, year=2005, address={n/a}, } @article{cisuc-912-2004, author={Sousa, T. and Silva, A.P.N.F.d. and Silva, A. and Costa, E. }, title={Particle Swarm Based Data Mining Algorithms for Classification Tasks}, editor={Elsevier B. V.}, journal={Parallel Computing}, number={30}, pages={767--783}, year=2004, address={n/a}, } @inproceedings{cisuc-914-2005, author={Brabazon, A. and Silva, A. and Sousa, T. and O'Neill, M. }, title={Agent Based Modelling of Product Invention}, booktitle={Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO-2005)}, year=2005, address={n/a}, } @inproceedings{cisuc-812-2004, author={Brabazon, A. and Silva, A. and Sousa, T. and O'Neill, M. and Matthews, R. }, booktitle={n/a}, title={Investigating Organizational Strategic Inertia Using a Particle Swarm Model}, volume={1}, year=2004, address={n/a}, } @inproceedings{cisuc-813-2004, author={Brabazon, A. and Silva, A. and Sousa, T. and O'Neill, M. and Matthews, R. }, title={A Particle Swarm Model Of Strategic Adaptation}, booktitle={Business Research Yearbook (Vol. XI)}, year=2004, address={n/a}, } @inproceedings{cisuc-879-2004, author={Brabazon, A. and Silva, A. and Sousa, T. and O'Neill, M. and Matthews, R. and Costa, E. }, title={A Particle Swarm Model of Organizational Adaptation}, booktitle={Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO-2004)}, volume={3102}, year=2004, address={n/a}, } @inproceedings{cisuc-913-2004, author={Brabazon, A. and Silva, A. and Sousa, T. and O'Neill, M. and Matthews, R. }, title={OrgSwarm - A Particle Swarm Model of Organizational Adaptation}, booktitle={11th International Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP2004)}, volume={3316}, year=2004, address={n/a}, } @inproceedings{cisuc-614-2003, author={Silva, A. and Silva, A.P.N.F.d. and Costa, E. }, title={SAPPO: A Simple, Adaptive, Predator Prey Optimiser}, booktitle={EPIA\'03}, year=2003, address={n/a}, } @inproceedings{cisuc-615-2003, author={Sousa, T. and Silva, A.P.N.F.d. and Silva, A. }, title={A Particle Swarm Data Miner}, booktitle={EPIA\'03}, year=2003, address={n/a}, } @inproceedings{cisuc-616-2003, author={Sousa, T. and Silva, A.P.N.F.d. and Silva, A. }, title={Swarm Optimisation as a New Tool for Data Mining}, booktitle={IPDPS}, year=2003, address={n/a}, } @inproceedings{cisuc-617-2002, author={Silva, A. and Silva, A.P.N.F.d. and Costa, E. }, title={An Empirical Comparison of Particle Swarm and Predator Prey Optimisation}, booktitle={AICS 2002}, volume={2464}, year=2002, address={n/a}, } @inproceedings{cisuc-618-2002, author={Silva, A. and Silva, A.P.N.F.d. and Costa, E. }, title={Chasing the Swarm: A Predator-Prey Approach to Function Optimisation}, booktitle={Mendel 2002}, year=2002, address={n/a}, } @inproceedings{cisuc-619-2000, author={Silva, A. and Silva, A.P.N.F.d. and Costa, E. }, booktitle={n/a}, title={Polymorphy and Hybridization in Genetically Programmed Networks}, year=2000, address={n/a}, } @inproceedings{cisuc-611-1999, author={Silva, A.P.N.F.d. and Silva, A. and Costa, E. }, title={Evolutionary Path Planning for Nonholonomic Robots}, booktitle={GECCO}, year=1999, address={n/a}, } @inproceedings{cisuc-620-1999, author={Silva, A. and Silva, A.P.N.F.d. and Costa, E. }, title={Genetically Programming Networks to Evolve Memory Mechanisms}, booktitle={GECCO'99}, year=1999, address={n/a}, } @inproceedings{cisuc-621-1999, author={Silva, A. and Silva, A.P.N.F.d. and Costa, E. }, title={Building Agents with Memory: An Approach using Genetically Programmed Networks}, booktitle={CEC 99}, year=1999, address={n/a}, } @inproceedings{cisuc-622-1999, author={Silva, A. and Costa, E. }, title={Evolving Controllers for Autonomous Agents Using Genetically Programmed Networks}, booktitle={EuroGP 99}, year=1999, address={n/a}, } @inproceedings{cisuc-233-1997, author={Paulo Gomes and Pereira, F.B. and Silva, A. }, booktitle={n/a}, title={Empirical Study of the Influences of Genetic Parameters in the Training of a Neural Network}, year=1997, address={n/a}, } @inbook{cisuc-1215-2006, author={Brabazon, A. and Silva, A. and Costa, E. and Sousa, T. and O'Neill, M. }, title={Simulating the strategic adaptation of organizations using OrgSwarm}, editor={Stephan Olariu and Albert Zomaya}, chapter={20}, publisher={Chapman and Hall}, booktitle={Handbook of bioinspired algorithms and applications}, pages={305--319}, year=2006, address={n/a}, } @inbook{cisuc-1216-2006, author={Sousa, T. and Silva, A. and Silva, A.P.N.F.d. and Costa, E. }, title={Bioinspired data mining}, editor={Stephan Olariu and Albert Zomaya}, chapter={27}, publisher={Chapman and Hall}, booktitle={Handbook of bioinspired algorithms and applications}, pages={469--489}, year=2006, address={n/a}, } @inbook{cisuc-1626-2006, author={Brabazon, A. and Silva, A. and Sousa, T. and O'Neill, M. and Matthews, R. and Costa, E. }, title={Simulating Product Invention using InventSim}, editor={Jean-Philippe Rennard}, publisher={IGI Global}, booktitle={Handbook of Research on Nature Inspired Computing for Economy and Management}, pages={379--394}, year=2006, address={n/a}, }