@article{cisuc-2441-2012, author={Gorski, J. and Paquete, L. and Pedrosa, F. }, title={Greedy algorithms for a class of knapsack problems with binary weights}, editor={Elsevier}, journal={Computers & Operations Research}, volume={39}, number={3}, pages={498--511}, year=2012, address={n/a}, } @inproceedings{cisuc-4234-2014, author={Simões, M. and Pedrosa, F. and Mouga, S. and P. Carvalho and Castelo-Branco, M. }, title={Neurohab: A Platform for Virtual Training of Daily Living Skills in Autism Spectrum Disorder}, booktitle={HCist - International conference on health and social care information systems and technologies}, year=2014, address={n/a}, } @techreport{cisuc-2178-2009, author={Gorski, J. and Paquete, L. and Pedrosa, F. }, title={Greedy algorithms for a class of knapsack problems with binary weights}, year=2009, address={n/a}, }