@article{cisuc-5022-2017, author={Rodrigues, D. and Pires, R.d.M. and Marconato, E.A. and Areias, C. and Cunha, J.C. and Branco, K. and Marco Vieira }, title={Service-Oriented Architectures for a Flexible and Safe Use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles}, editor={Miguel Ángel Sotelo}, journal={IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine }, volume={9}, number={1}, pages={97--109}, year=2017, address={n/a}, } @article{cisuc-5023-2017, author={Silva, N. and Cunha, J.C. and Marco Vieira }, title={A field study on root cause analysis of defects in space software}, editor={Carlos Guedes Soares}, journal={Reliability Engineering & System Safety}, volume={158}, number={2}, pages={213--229}, year=2017, address={n/a}, } @inproceedings{cisuc-5858-2019, author={Amaro, P. and Barreiros, J. and Coutinho, F. and Joao Duraes and Santos, F. and Alves, A. and Silva, M. and Cunha, J.C. }, title={Embedded Programming Bootcamp for Career Change}, booktitle={18th International Symposium on Ambient Intelligence and Embedded Systems}, year=2019, address={n/a}, } @inproceedings{cisuc-5024-2017, author={Silva, N. and Marco Vieira and Cunha, J.C. and Chillarege, R. }, title={Evaluating a Corpus of Root Causes and Measures to guide RCA processes in Critical Software}, booktitle={IEEE 18th International Symposium on High Assurance Systems Engineering (HASE)}, year=2017, address={n/a}, } @inproceedings{cisuc-5128-2017, author={Mendes, D.F.d.C.M. and Nunes, J. and Patra?o, S. and Naghmeh Ivaki and Amaro, P. and Cunha, J.C. }, title={Assessing the Robustness of a Quadcopter’s Flight Controller to Sensor Failures}, booktitle={INForum 2017 - 9th Simpósio de Informática}, year=2017, address={n/a}, } @inproceedings{cisuc-4788-2016, author={Machado, C. and Areias, C. and Cunha, J.C. }, title={SOASales: A SOA System for Research Purposes}, booktitle={46th Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks Workshop}, year=2016, address={n/a}, } @inproceedings{cisuc-5016-2016, author={José Luís Nunes and Cunha, J.C. and Mario Zenha-Rela }, title={On the Effects of Cumulative SEUs in FPGA-based Systems}, booktitle={12th European Dependable Computing Conference (EDCC 2016)}, year=2016, address={n/a}, } @inproceedings{cisuc-5017-2016, author={José Luís Nunes and Cunha, J.C. and Mario Zenha-Rela }, title={Using Failure Prediction to Improve FPGA Scrubbing}, booktitle={Latin-American Symposium on Dependable Computing (LADC 2016)}, year=2016, address={n/a}, } @inproceedings{cisuc-4374-2015, author={José Luís Nunes and Pecserke, T. and Cunha, J.C. and Mario Zenha-Rela }, title={FIRED – Fault Injector for Reconfigurable Embedded Devices}, booktitle={The 21st IEEE Pacific Rim International Symposium on Dependable Computing (PRDC 2015)}, year=2015, address={n/a}, } @inproceedings{cisuc-4375-2015, author={Areias, C. and Marco Vieira and Cunha, J.C. }, title={Studying the Propagation of Failures in SOAs}, booktitle={International Workshop on Recent Advances in the Dependability Assessment of Complex Systems (RADIANCE’2015)}, year=2015, address={n/a}, } @inproceedings{cisuc-4021-2014, author={Areias, C. and Nuno Antunes and Cunha, J.C. }, title={On Applying FMEA to SOAs: A Proposal and Open Challenges}, booktitle={6th International Workshop on Software Engineering for Resilient Systems (SERENE'14)}, year=2014, address={n/a}, } @inproceedings{cisuc-4022-2014, author={Areias, C. and Cunha, J.C. and Iacono, D. and Rossi, F. }, title={Towards Certification of Automotive Software}, booktitle={International IEEE Workshop on Software Certification (WoSoCer’14) Co-located with ISSRE’14}, year=2014, address={n/a}, } @inproceedings{cisuc-3227-2013, author={José Luís Nunes and Cunha, J.C. and Barbosa, R. and Mario Zenha-Rela }, title={Reconfiguração Dinâmica Parcial de FPGA em Sistemas de Controlo}, booktitle={9th Portuguese Meeting on Reconfigurable Systems (REC 2013)}, year=2013, address={n/a}, } @inproceedings{cisuc-3651-2013, author={Areias, C. and Nuno Antunes and Cunha, J.C. and Marco Vieira }, title={Towards Runtime V&V for Service Oriented Architectures}, booktitle={Sixth Latin-American Symposium on Dependable Computing}, year=2013, address={n/a}, } @inproceedings{cisuc-3652-2013, author={José Luís Nunes and Cunha, J.C. and Barbosa, R. and Mario Zenha-Rela }, title={Evaluating Xilinx SEU Controller Macro for Fault Injection}, booktitle={The 43rd Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN 2013)}, year=2013, address={n/a}, } @inproceedings{cisuc-3653-2013, author={Silva, N. and Barbosa, R. and Cunha, J.C. and Marco Vieira }, title={A View on the Past and Future of Fault Injection (Fast Abstract)}, booktitle={The 43rd Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks }, year=2013, address={n/a}, } @inproceedings{cisuc-3301-2012, author={Cunha, J.C. and Barbosa, R. and Rodrigues, G. }, title={On the use of Boundary Scan for Code Coverage of Critical Embedded Software}, booktitle={The 23rd International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering (ISSRE 2012)}, year=2012, address={n/a}, } @inproceedings{cisuc-3302-2012, author={Osocha, P. and Cunha, J.C. and Giovagnini, F. }, title={Dependable and Secure Embedded Node Demonstrator}, booktitle={ERCIM Workshop, the 31st International Conference on Computer Safety, Reliability and Security (SAFECOMP 2012)}, year=2012, address={n/a}, } @inproceedings{cisuc-2812-2011, author={José Luís Nunes and Cunha, J.C. and Barbosa, R. and Mario Zenha-Rela }, title={Using Partial Dynamic FPGA Reconfiguration to Support Real-Time Dependability}, booktitle={13th European Workshop on Dependable Computing (EWDC 2011)}, year=2011, address={n/a}, } @inproceedings{cisuc-2813-2011, author={Cunha, J.C. and Marco Vieira and Cruz, S. and Costa, M. and Rodrigues, A.R. }, title={Implementing Software Effort Estimation in a Medium-sized Company}, booktitle={34th Annual IEEE Software Engineering Workshop}, year=2011, address={n/a}, } @inproceedings{cisuc-2814-2011, author={Marco Vieira and Madeira, H. and Cruz, S. and Costa, M. and Cunha, J.C. }, title={Integrating GQM and Data Warehousing for the Definition of Software Reuse Metrics}, booktitle={34th Annual IEEE Software Engineering Workshop}, year=2011, address={n/a}, } @inproceedings{cisuc-3303-2011, author={Osocha, P. and Cunha, J.C. }, title={SPD Power Node ES solution in pSHIELD framework}, booktitle={ERCIM Workshop, the 30th International Conference on Computer Safety, Reliability and Security (SAFECOMP 2011)}, year=2011, address={n/a}, } @inproceedings{cisuc-2815-2006, author={Mario Zenha-Rela and Cunha, J.C. }, title={Exploiting the IEEE 1149.1 standard for software reliability evaluation in space applications }, booktitle={European Safety and Reliability Conference (ESREL)}, year=2006, address={n/a}, } @inproceedings{cisuc-1129-2005, author={Mario Zenha-Rela and Cunha, J.C. }, title={On the Effects of Errors During Boot.}, booktitle={Second Latin-American Symposium on Dependable Computing, LADC2005}, volume={3747}, year=2005, address={n/a}, } @inproceedings{cisuc-1528-2005, author={Mario Zenha-Rela and Marco Vieira and Cunha, J.C. and Joao Duraes }, title={Dependability Evaluation of Mobile Devices' System Software (Fast Abstract)}, booktitle={IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks, DSN2005}, year=2005, address={n/a}, } @inproceedings{cisuc-2808-2005, author={Cunha, J.C. and Mario Zenha-Rela }, title={Validação de Microssistemas para Aplicações Criticas }, booktitle={1º Encontro Nacional de Riscos, Segurança e Fiabilidade (ENRSF-1)}, year=2005, address={n/a}, } @inproceedings{cisuc-468-2002, author={Cunha, J.C. and Mario Zenha-Rela and Silva, J.G. }, title={On the Use of Disaster Prediction for Failure-Tolerance in Feedback Control Systems}, booktitle={The International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks, DSN-2002}, year=2002, address={n/a}, } @inproceedings{cisuc-469-2002, author={Cunha, J.C. and Henriques, J. and Mario Zenha-Rela and Silva, J.G. }, title={Reset-Driven Fault Tolerance}, booktitle={4th European Dependable Computing Conference (EDCC-4)}, volume={2485}, year=2002, address={n/a}, } @inproceedings{cisuc-430-2001, author={Cunha, J.C. and Silva, J.G. }, title={Software-Implemented Stable Storage in Main Memory}, booktitle={IX Brazilian Symposium on Fault-Tolerant Computing (SCTF'2001)}, year=2001, address={n/a}, } @inproceedings{cisuc-435-2001, author={Cunha, J.C. and Mario Zenha-Rela and Silva, J.G. }, title={A Study of Failure Models in Feedback Control Systems}, booktitle={The International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks, DSN-2001}, year=2001, address={n/a}, } @inproceedings{cisuc-429-1999, author={Cunha, J.C. and Mario Zenha-Rela and Silva, J.G. }, title={Can Software Implemented Fault-Injection be used on Real-Time Systems?}, booktitle={EDDC-3}, volume={1667}, year=1999, address={n/a}, } @proceedings{cisuc-3523-2013, author={Marco Vieira and Cunha, J.C. }, title={14th European Workshop on Dependable Computing}, publisher={Springer Berlin Heidelberg}, volume={7869}, edition={1}, isbn={978-3-642-38788-3}, year=2013, address={n/a}, } @inbook{cisuc-5193-2017, author={Laranjeiro, N. and Pereira, G. and Soydemir, S.N. and Barbosa, R. and Jorge Bernardino and Areias, C. and Nuno Antunes and Cunha, J.C. and Marco Vieira and Madeira, H. }, title={Robustness and Fault Injection for the Validation of Critical Systems}, chapter={12}, publisher={River Publishers}, booktitle={Certifications of Critical Systems – The CECRIS Experience}, pages={247--274}, year=2017, address={n/a}, } @inbook{cisuc-5291-2017, author={Ivano Irrera and Zentai, A. and Cunha, J.C. and Madeira, H. }, title={Validating a Safety Critical Railway Application Using Fault Injection}, chapter={11}, publisher={River Publishers}, booktitle={Certifications of Critical Systems – The CECRIS Experience}, pages={227--246}, year=2017, address={n/a}, } @inbook{cisuc-5292-2017, author={Silva, N. and Moreira, F. and Cunha, J.C. and Marco Vieira }, title={A Process for Finding and Tackling the Main Root Causes that Affect Critical Systems Quality}, chapter={4}, publisher={River Publishers}, booktitle={Certifications of Critical Systems – The CECRIS Experience}, pages={81--102}, year=2017, address={n/a}, } @inbook{cisuc-3304-2013, author={Osocha, P. and Cunha, J.C. and Materase, F. }, title={Selected Challenges on Security and Dependability of Embedded Systems}, chapter={13}, publisher={Springer}, booktitle={Innovative Technologies for Dependable OTS-Based Critical Systems}, volume={1}, edition={1}, pages={175--185}, year=2013, address={n/a}, } @techreport{cisuc-598-2000, author={Cunha, J.C. and Mario Zenha-Rela and Silva, J.G. }, title={Fault-Injection for Real-Time}, year=2000, address={n/a}, }