@book{cisuc-4842-2017, author={Granjal, J }, title={Segurança Prática em Sistemas e Redes com Linux}, publisher={FCA Informática}, volume={1}, edition={1}, isbn={978-972-722-865-2}, year=2017, address={n/a}, } @book{cisuc-3527-2013, author={Granjal, J }, title={Gestão de Sistemas e Redes em Linux, 3ª Edição Actualizada e Aumentada}, publisher={FCA, Editora de Informática}, volume={1}, edition={3}, isbn={978-972-722-784-6}, year=2013, address={n/a}, } @book{cisuc-2270-2010, author={Granjal, J }, title={Gestão de Sistemas e Redes em Linux}, publisher={FCA, Editora de Informática}, edition={1}, isbn={978-972-722-645-0}, year=2010, address={n/a}, } @article{cisuc-5778-2019, author={Malik, M. and Dutta, M. and Granjal, J }, title={A survey of Key bootstrapping protocols based on Public Key Cryptography in the Internet of Things}, editor={IEEE}, journal={IEEE Access}, volume={1}, number={1}, pages={1--1}, year=2019, address={n/a}, } @article{cisuc-5474-2018, author={Granjal, J and Pedroso, A. }, title={An Intrusion Detection and Prevention Framework for Internet-Integrated CoAP WSN}, editor={Hindawi}, journal={Security and Communication Networks}, volume={2018}, number={n/a}, pages={n/a}, year=2018, address={n/a}, } @article{cisuc-5512-2018, author={Granjal, J and Silva, J.M. and Lourenço, Nuno }, title={Intrusion Detection and Prevention in CoAP Wireless Sensor Networks Using Anomaly Detection}, journal={Sensors}, volume={18}, number={8}, pages={2445--2445}, year=2018, address={n/a}, } @article{cisuc-5145-2017, author={Granjal, J and Edmundo Monteiro }, title={Cibersegurança na IoT}, editor={Ordem dos Engenheiros}, journal={Revista Ingenium}, number={159}, pages={38--41}, year=2017, address={n/a}, } @article{cisuc-4009-2015, author={Granjal, J and Edmundo Monteiro and Jorge Sá Silva }, title={Security for the Internet of Things: A Survey of Existing Protocols and Open Research issues}, editor={IEEE}, journal={IEEE Surveys & Tutorials}, number={n/a}, pages={n/a}, year=2015, address={n/a}, } @article{cisuc-4271-2015, author={Marinho, J.M. and Granjal, J and Edmundo Monteiro }, title={A survey on security attacks and countermeasures with primary user detection in cognitive radio networks}, journal={EURASIP Journal on Information Security}, volume={2015}, pages={n/a}, number={4}, year=2015, address={n/a}, } @article{cisuc-3893-2014, author={Granjal, J and Edmundo Monteiro and Jorge Sá Silva }, title={Security in the integration of low-power Wireless Sensor Networks with the Internet: A survey}, editor={Elsevier}, journal={Ad Hoc Networks}, volume={1}, number={1}, pages={1--1}, year=2014, address={n/a}, } @article{cisuc-3073-2012, author={Granjal, J and Edmundo Monteiro and Jorge Sá Silva }, title={Network-layer security for the Internet of Things using TinyOS and BLIP}, editor={John Wiley & Sons}, journal={International Journal of Communication Systems}, number={n/a}, pages={n/a}, year=2012, address={n/a}, } @inproceedings{cisuc-5834-2019, author={Lourenço, Nuno and Bruno Cabral and Granjal, J }, title={Driving Profile using Evolutionary Computation}, booktitle={2019 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC)}, year=2019, address={n/a}, } @inproceedings{cisuc-5475-2018, author={Granjal, J and Pedroso, A. }, title={Intrusion Detection and Prevention with Internet-integrated CoAP Sensing Applications}, booktitle={3rd International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security}, year=2018, address={n/a}, } @inproceedings{cisuc-5221-2017, author={Granjal, J and Edmundo Monteiro }, title={Adaptable End-To-End Security For Mobile IoT Sensing Applications}, booktitle={1st ACM Workshop on the Internet of Safe Things (Safethings 2017)}, year=2017, address={n/a}, } @inproceedings{cisuc-4646-2016, author={Granjal, J and Edmundo Monteiro }, title={End-to-end Transparent Transport-Layer Security for Internet-integrated Mobile Sensing Devices}, booktitle={IFIP Networking 2016}, year=2016, address={n/a}, } @inproceedings{cisuc-4776-2016, author={Zheng, C. and Preda, M.D. and Granjal, J and Zanero, S. and Maggi, F. }, title={On-Chip System Call Tracing: A Feasibility Study and Open Prototype}, booktitle={IEEE CNS 2016}, year=2016, address={n/a}, } @inproceedings{cisuc-3387-2013, author={Granjal, J and Edmundo Monteiro and Jorge Sá Silva }, title={Application-layer security for the WoT: Extending CoAP to support end-to-end message security for Internet-integrated sensing applications}, booktitle={The 11th International Conference on Wired/Wireless Internet Communications WWIC 2013}, year=2013, address={n/a}, } @inproceedings{cisuc-3388-2013, author={Granjal, J and Edmundo Monteiro and Jorge Sá Silva }, title={End-to-end transport-layer security for Internet- integrated sensing applications with mutual and delegated ECC public-key authentication}, booktitle={IFIP Networking 2013 Conference}, year=2013, address={n/a}, } @inproceedings{cisuc-3445-2013, author={Granjal, J and Edmundo Monteiro and Jorge Sá Silva }, title={A framework towards adaptable and delegated end-to-end transport-layer security for Internet-integrated Wireless Sensor Networks}, booktitle={Second Joint ERCIM eMobility and MobiSense Workshop - WWIC 2013}, year=2013, address={n/a}, } @inproceedings{cisuc-3446-2013, author={Andre Riker and Granjal, J and Marilia Curado and Edmundo Monteiro }, title={Middleware Group Communication Mechanisms in M2M environments}, booktitle={Second Joint ERCIM eMobility and MobiSense Workshop - WWIC 2013}, year=2013, address={n/a}, } @inproceedings{cisuc-3116-2012, author={Granjal, J and Edmundo Monteiro and Jorge Sá Silva }, title={On the Feasibility of Secure Application-Layer Communications on the Web of Things}, booktitle={The 37th IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks, LCN 2012}, year=2012, address={n/a}, } @inproceedings{cisuc-3117-2012, author={Granjal, J and Edmundo Monteiro and Jorge Sá Silva }, title={On the effectiveness of end-to-end security for Internet-integrated sensing applications (best paper award)}, booktitle={The IEEE International Conference on Internet of Things, iThings 2012}, year=2012, address={n/a}, } @inproceedings{cisuc-2429-2011, author={Vasco Pereira and Jorge Sá Silva and Granjal, J and Silva, R.M. and Edmundo Monteiro and Pan, Q. }, title={A Taxonomy of WSN with QoS}, booktitle={NTMS'2011 Wireless Sensor Network workshop}, year=2011, address={n/a}, } @inproceedings{cisuc-2404-2010, author={Granjal, J and Edmundo Monteiro and Jorge Sá Silva }, title={A secure interconnection model for IPv6 enabled Wireless Sensor Networks}, booktitle={IFIP Wireless Days 2010}, year=2010, address={n/a}, } @inproceedings{cisuc-2405-2010, author={Granjal, J and Edmundo Monteiro and Jorge Sá Silva }, title={Enabling network-layer security on IPv6 Wireless Sensor Networks}, booktitle={IEEE Globecom 2010}, year=2010, address={n/a}, } @inproceedings{cisuc-1875-2008, author={Granjal, J and Silva, R.M. and Edmundo Monteiro and Jorge Sá Silva and Boavida, F. }, title={Why is IPSec a viable option for wireless sensor networks}, booktitle={5th IEEE International Conference on Mobile Ad Hoc and Sensor Systems, 2008. MASS 2008}, year=2008, address={n/a}, } @inproceedings{cisuc-3425-2008, author={Granjal, J and Edmundo Monteiro and Jorge Sá Silva }, title={Security in Wireless Sensor Networks}, booktitle={Rede Temática de Comunicações Móveis, 8º Seminário}, year=2008, address={n/a}, } @inproceedings{cisuc-820-2004, author={Trindade, A. and Jorge Sá Silva and Granjal, J and Boavida, F. }, title={Construction of an IPv6 Testbed with SSM Support}, booktitle={4th IASTED Conference on Wireless and Optical Communications}, year=2004, address={n/a}, } @inproceedings{cisuc-179-2003, author={Trindade, A. and Jorge Sá Silva and Granjal, J and Boavida, F. }, booktitle={n/a}, title={Construção de uma plataforma SSM para ambientes IPv6 (Construction of an SSM Platform for IPv6 Environments)}, year=2003, address={n/a}, } @inproceedings{cisuc-309-2003, author={Mendes, R. and Jorge Sá Silva and Granjal, J and Boavida, F. }, booktitle={n/a}, title={Estado da arte e análise crítica de soluções para multicasting em ambientes Ipv6 wireless (State-of-the-Art and Analysis of Multicast Solutions for Wireless IPv6 Environments)}, year=2003, address={n/a}, } @inproceedings{cisuc-1876-1998, author={Granjal, J and Edmundo Monteiro }, title={Mecanismos de Segurança e sua Integração com o Kerberos}, booktitle={1ª Conferência sobre Redes de Computadores (CRC98)}, year=1998, address={n/a}, } @inbook{cisuc-5853-2019, author={Granjal, J and Andre Riker and Edmundo Monteiro and Marilia Curado }, title={Network Security for IoT and M2M Communications}, chapter={8}, publisher={CRC Press}, booktitle={Internet of Things (IoT) Systems and Applications}, volume={1}, edition={1}, pages={299--330}, year=2019, address={n/a}, } @inbook{cisuc-3892-2014, author={Bojic, I. and Granjal, J and Edmundo Monteiro and Katusic, D. and Oliveira, P. and Skocir, P. and Kusek, M. and Jezic, G. }, title={Communication and Security in Machine-to-Machine Systems}, chapter={3}, publisher={Wiley, Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, booktitle={Wireless Networking for Moving Objects}, volume={1}, edition={1}, pages={255--251}, year=2014, address={n/a}, } @inbook{cisuc-3271-2013, author={Granjal, J and Edmundo Monteiro and Jorge Sá Silva }, title={Security Issues and Approaches on Wireless M2M Systems}, chapter={5}, publisher={Springer}, booktitle={Wireless Networks and Security}, volume={1}, edition={201}, pages={133--164}, year=2013, address={n/a}, } @techreport{cisuc-3577-2012, author={Granjal, J and Edmundo Monteiro }, title={WiNeMO Security Provision - Security in M2M environments}, number={1}, year=2012, address={n/a}, }