@inproceedings{cisuc-1585-2008, author={Brito, L.M.P.L.d. and Rodriguez, L. }, title={A model for Wireless Sensor Networks Supported Cooperative Work}, booktitle={3rd International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications â?? GRAPP 2008}, year=2008, address={n/a}, } @inproceedings{cisuc-1586-2008, author={Sampaio, P. and Rodriguez, L. and Pereira, J. }, title={Presenting Interactive Multimedia Documents within Virtual Environments}, booktitle={3rd International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications â?? GRAPP 2008}, year=2008, address={n/a}, } @inproceedings{cisuc-1469-2007, author={Encheva, S. and Tumin, S. and Sampaio, P. and Rodriguez, L. }, title={On Multimedia Factors Effecting Learning}, booktitle={ED-MEDIA´2007}, year=2007, address={n/a}, } @inproceedings{cisuc-1558-2007, author={Brito, L.M.P.L.d. and Rodriguez, L. }, title={Collaborative Localization in Wireless Sensor Networks}, booktitle={International Conference on Sensor Technologies and Applications (SENSORCOMM 2007)}, year=2007, address={n/a}, } @inproceedings{cisuc-1583-2007, author={Sampaio, P. and Rodriguez, L. and COURTIAT, J. }, title={Designing Consistent Multimedia Documents: The RT-LOTOS Methodology}, booktitle={5th International Conference on Formal Modelling and Analysis of Timed Systems- Formats´2007}, year=2007, address={n/a}, } @inproceedings{cisuc-1584-2007, author={Brito, L.M.P.L.d. and Rodriguez, L. }, title={A Comparative Analysis of Localization Approaches in Wireless Sensor Networks}, booktitle={IASK International Conference E-Activity and Leading Technologies 2007 - E-ALT2007}, year=2007, address={n/a}, } @inproceedings{cisuc-1420-2006, author={Rodriguez, L. and Silva, A.M.G. }, title={A Model-Based Awareness Tool for Synchronous Collaborative Sessions}, booktitle={15th International Conference on Computing (CIC\'06)}, year=2006, address={n/a}, } @inproceedings{cisuc-1421-2006, author={Rodriguez, L. and Silva, A.M.G. }, title={A Model-based Awareness Approach for Synchronous Collaborative Sessions on the Web}, booktitle={4th Latin American Web Congress (LA WEB \' 06)}, year=2006, address={n/a}, } @inproceedings{cisuc-902-2004, author={Rodriguez, L. and Villemur, T. and Drira, K. }, title={A Model-Driven and Web-enabled Coordination Approach for Managing Synchronous Collaborative Sessions}, booktitle={5a. Conferência da Associação Portuguesa de Sistemas de Informação}, year=2004, address={n/a}, } @inbook{cisuc-1322-2008, author={Sampaio, P. and Rodello, I.A. and Rodriguez, L. and Bressan, P.A. }, pages={n/a}, publisher={n/a}, title={Customizing Multimedia and Collaborative Virtual Environments}, editor={Idea Groups}, booktitle={Encyclopedia of Networked and Virtual Organizations}, year=2008, address={n/a}, } @inbook{cisuc-1423-2008, author={Brito, L.M.P.L.d. and Rodriguez, L. }, pages={n/a}, title={Wireless Sensor Networks: Basic Concepts}, editor={Goran D. Putnik and Maria Manuela Cunha}, publisher={Idea Group}, booktitle={Encyclopedia of Networked and Virtual Organizations}, year=2008, address={n/a}, } @inbook{cisuc-1424-2008, author={Teixeira, G.N.S. and Rodriguez, L. }, pages={n/a}, publisher={n/a}, title={Comparing ZigBee, Bluetooth, UWB and Wi-Fi}, editor={Idea Groups}, booktitle={Encyclopedia of Networked and Virtual Organizations}, year=2008, address={n/a}, }