@inproceedings{cisuc-5816-2019, author={Phong, N.H. and Costa, J. and Ribeiro, B. }, title={An Improvement for Capsule Networks using Depthwise Separable Convolution}, booktitle={9th Iberian Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis}, year=2019, address={n/a}, } @inproceedings{cisuc-5818-2019, author={Phong, N.H. and Ribeiro, B. }, title={Advanced Capsule Networks via Context Awareness}, booktitle={28th International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks}, year=2019, address={n/a}, } @inproceedings{cisuc-5819-2019, author={Phong, N.H. and Ribeiro, B. }, title={Context-Aware Capsule Networks}, booktitle={National Science '19}, year=2019, address={n/a}, } @inproceedings{cisuc-5536-2018, author={Phong, N.H. and Ribeiro, B. }, title={Action Recognition for American Sign Language}, booktitle={24th Portuguese Conference on Pattern Recognition (RECPAD)}, year=2018, address={n/a}, } @inproceedings{cisuc-5080-2017, author={Phong, N.H. and Ribeiro, B. }, title={Offline and Online Deep Learning for Image Recognition}, booktitle={4th IEEE Experiment@ International Conference, Faro, Algarve, Portugal}, year=2017, address={n/a}, } @techreport{cisuc-6259-2020, author={Phong, N.H. and Ribeiro, B. }, title={Rethinking Recurrent Neural Networks and other Improvements for Image Classification}, number={2007.15161}, year=2020, address={n/a}, }