@article{cisuc-5882-2019, author={Oliveira, R.A.C.d and Raga, M.M. and Laranjeiro, N. and Marco Vieira }, title={An approach for benchmarking the security of web service frameworks}, journal={Future Generation Computer Systems}, number={n/a}, pages={n/a}, year=2019, address={n/a}, } @article{cisuc-4305-2015, author={Oliveira, R.A.C.d and Laranjeiro, N. and Marco Vieira }, title={Assessing the security of web service frameworks against denial of service attacks}, journal={Journal of Systems and Software}, number={n/a}, pages={n/a}, year=2015, address={n/a}, } @inproceedings{cisuc-3937-2015, author={Oliveira, R.A.C.d and Laranjeiro, N. and Marco Vieira }, title={Characterizing the Performance of Web Service Frameworks under Security Attacks}, booktitle={The 30th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium On Applied Computing (SAC 2015)}, year=2015, address={n/a}, } @inproceedings{cisuc-2871-2012, author={Oliveira, R.A.C.d and Laranjeiro, N. and Marco Vieira }, title={Experimental Evaluation of Web Service Frameworks in the Presence of Security Attacks}, booktitle={IEEE 9th International Conference on Services Computing (SCC 2012)}, year=2012, address={n/a}, } @inproceedings{cisuc-3001-2012, author={Oliveira, R.A.C.d and Laranjeiro, N. and Marco Vieira }, title={WSFAggressor: An Extensible Web Service Framework Attacking Tool}, booktitle={ACM/IFIP/USENIX 13th International Conference on Middleware (Middleware 2012)}, year=2012, address={n/a}, } @inproceedings{cisuc-2596-2011, author={Oliveira, R.A.C.d and Laranjeiro, N. and Marco Vieira }, title={A Composed Approach for Automatic Classification of Web Services Robustness.}, booktitle={The 8th International Conference on Services Computing}, year=2011, address={n/a}, } @inproceedings{cisuc-2357-2010, author={Laranjeiro, N. and Oliveira, R.A.C.d and Marco Vieira }, title={Applying Text Classification Algorithms in Web Services Robustness Testing}, booktitle={29th IEEE International Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems (SRDS 2010)}, year=2010, address={n/a}, } @inproceedings{cisuc-2919-2006, author={Oliveira, R.A.C.d and Jorge Bernardino }, title={Building OLAP Tools over Large Databases}, booktitle={IADIS Virtual Multi Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems}, year=2006, address={n/a}, }