Journal Articles 2017(1 publication) [publication]Ribeiro, B. and Oliveira, G. and Laranjeira, A.F.F. and Arrais, J.P. , "Deep Learning in Digital Marketing: Brand Detection and Emotion Recognition", Machine Intelligence and Sensory Signal Processing, InderScience Publishers, vol. 2, pp. 32-50, 2017 Conference Articles 2016(2 publications) [publication]Laranjeira, A.F.F. and Pimentel, A. and Ribeiro, B. , " How Deep can we Rely on Emotion Recognition", in IberoAmerican Congress on Pattern Recognition, LNCS, Springer, 2016 [publication]Laranjeira, A.F.F. and Frazão, X. and Pimentel, A. and Ribeiro, B. , "A simple Net for a Deep Problem - Emotion Recognition", in Portuguese Conference on Pattern Recognition, 2016