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In 2011, for example, [citation][year=2013]Analysis of Travel Time Patterns in Urban Using Taxi GPS Data M Gao, T Zhu, X Wan, Q Wang - Green Computing and …, 2013 - Accurate travel time information can help people plan travel schedule and improve work [citation][year=2013]PDF] Predicting Globally and Locally: A Comparison of Methods for Vehicle Trajectory Prediction W Groves, E Nunes, M Gini - Workshop on Ubiquitous Data Mining, 2013 - Abstract We propose eigen-based and Markov-based methods to explore the global and [citation][year=2012]Real Time Anomalous Trajectory Detection and Analysis L Sun, D Zhang, C Chen, PS Castro, S Li [citation][year=2012]Mining the semantics of origin-destination flows using taxi traces W Zhang, S Li, G Pan - Proceedings of the 2012 ACM Conference on …, 2012 - Abstract Origin-destination (OD) flows reflect both human activity and urban dynamic in a [citation][year=2012]Smarter outlier detection and deeper understanding of large-scale taxi trip records: a case study of NYC J Zhang - Proceedings of the ACM SIGKDD International …, 2012 - Abstract Outlier detection in large-scale taxi trip records has imposed significant technical [citation][year=2012]From taxi GPS traces to social and community dynamics: a survey PS Castro, D Zhang, C Chen, S Li, G Pan - ACM Computing Surveys ( …, 2013 - Abstract Vehicles equipped with GPS localizers are an important sensory device for [citation][year=2012]Enabling pervasive applications by understanding individual and community behaviors L Sun - 2012 - Résumé Les empreintes digitales recueillies par détection systèmes offrent de nouvelles [citation][year=2012][PDF] Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) Thesis Université Pierre & Marie Curie-TELECOM SudParis SUN Lin - 2012 - Abstract With the rapid advancement of sensing, computing, networking and storage, recent years have been witnessing a phenomenal growth of sensor-embedded mobile phones and [citation][year=2012][PDF] Characterizing Urban Dynamics Using Large Scale Taxicab Data X Qian, X Zhan, SV Ukkusuri - Transportation Research Record - In this paper, we analyze the data from New York City taxis and comprehensively 2 explore the underlying patterns of urban taxi trips. Though a number of studies have been 3 [citation][year=2012][PDF] A Conceptual Model for Representation of Taxi Trajectories BA Salvador - Abstract. The large-scale capture of data about the motion of moving objects has enabled the development of geospatial tools to analyze and present the characteristics of these [citation][year=2012][PDF] Urban Mobility Dynamics Based on Flexible Discrete Region Partition L Wang, K Hu, T Ku, J Wu - Abstract: Understanding the urban mobility patterns is essential for the planning and management of public infrastructure and transportation services. In this paper we focus on [citation][year=2012]Nouvelles applications pervasives par la modélisation des comportements individuels et communautaires L Sun - 2012 - Abstract With the rapid advancement of sensing, computing, networking and storage, recent years have been witnessing a phenomenal growth of sensor-embedded mobile phones and [publication]Marco Veloso and Bento, C. and Phithakkitnukoon, S. , "Exploratory Study of Urban Flow using Taxi Traces", in First Workshop on Pervasive Urban Applications (PURBA) in conjunction with the Ninth International Conference on Pervasive Computing, 2011 [citation][year=2016]Dynamic Estimation of Optimal Dispatching Locations for Taxi Services in Mega-Cities based on Detailed GPS Information L Dimitriou, E Kourti, C Christodoulou, V Gkania, 2016 [citation][year=2016]An Investigation of Intra-Urban Mobility Pattern of Taxi Passengers L Zhang, S Luo, H Xia , 2016 [citation][year=2016]The significance of digital data systems for smart city policy K Kourtit, P Nijkamp, J Steenbruggen, 2016 [citation][year=2013]From taxi GPS traces to social and community dynamics: a survey PS Castro, D Zhang, C Chen, S Li, G Pan - ACM Computing Surveys ( …, 2013 - Abstract Vehicles equipped with GPS localizers are an important sensory device for examining people's movements and activities. Taxis equipped with GPS localizers serve the transportation needs of a large number of people driven by diverse needs; their traces can ... [citation][year=2013]Visual exploration of big spatio-temporal urban data: A study of new york city taxi trips N Ferreira, J Poco, HT Vo, J Freire… - … and Computer Graphics …, 2013 - Abstract—As increasing volumes of urban data are captured and become available, new opportunities arise for data-driven analysis that can lead to improvements in the lives of citizens through evidence-based decision making and policies. In this paper, we focus on ... [citation][year=2013]Yellow cabs as red corpuscles TH Savage, HT Vo - Big Data, 2013 IEEE International …, 2013 - Abstract—Data obtained from New York City's Taxi & Limousine Commission highlights the importance of yellow cabs in the city's transportation infrastructure. In 2011, for example, there were nearly 180 million cab rides. In this paper, we provide detailed visualizations of ... [citation][year=2013]Unraveling the origin of exponential law in intra-urban human mobility X Liang, J Zhao, L Dong, K Xu - arXiv preprint arXiv:1305.6364, 2013 - Abstract: The vast majority of travel takes place within cities. Recently, new data has become available which allows for the discovery of urban mobility patterns which differ from established results about long distance travel. Specifically, the latest evidence ... [citation][year=2012]The scaling of human mobility by taxis is exponential X Liang, X Zheng, W Lv, T Zhu, K Xu - Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and …, 2012 - Elsevier As a significant factor in urban planning, traffic forecasting and prediction of epidemics, modeling patterns of human mobility draws intensive attention from researchers for decades. [citation][year=2012]Mining the semantics of origin-destination flows using taxi traces W Zhang, S Li, G Pan - Proceedings of the 2012 ACM Conference on …, 2012 - Abstract Origin-destination (OD) flows reflect both human activity and urban dynamic in a city. However, our understanding about their patterns remains limited. In this paper, we study the GPS traces of taxis in a city with several millions people, China and find that there are ... [citation][year=2012]To taxi or not to taxi?-enabling personalised and real-time transportation decisions for mobile users W Wu, WS Ng, S Krishnaswamy… - … (MDM), 2012 IEEE 13th …, 2012 - Abstract We demonstrate a system that monitors the taxi availability at taxi stands by mining real-time taxi trajectory data streams. The system includes a server-side trajectory data stream processing and mining program and a client-side mobile application for Android ... [citation][year=2012]Estimation of urban commuting patterns using cellphone network data V Frias-Martinez, C Soguero… - Proceedings of the ACM …, 2012 - Abstract Commuting matrices are key for a variety of fields, including transportation engineering and urban planning. Up to now, these matrices have been typically generated from data obtained from surveys. Nevertheless, such approaches typically involve high ... [citation][year=2012]Modeling collective human mobility: Understanding exponential law of intra-urban movement X Liang, J Zhao, L Dong, K Xu - arXiv preprint arXiv:1212.6331, 2012 - Abstract: It is very important to understand urban mobility patterns because most trips are concentrated in urban areas. In the paper, a new model is proposed to model collective human mobility in urban areas. The model can be applied to predict individual flows not ... 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Tech Report 2016(1 publication) [publication]Marco Veloso and Phithakkitnukoon, S. and Bento, C. , "Analysis of Taxi Service and Exhaust Gases in Porto, Portugal", 2016 2014(1 publication) [publication]Marco Veloso and Bento, C. and Phithakkitnukoon, S. , "Taxi as a Probe for Environmental Changes in Urban Areas (Internal Technical Report)", 2014 2013(1 publication) [publication]Marco Veloso and Bento, C. and Phithakkitnukoon, S. , "Taxi Driver Assistant – A Proposal for a Recommendation System (Internal Technical Report)", 2013 2012(3 publications) [publication]Marco Veloso and Bento, C. and Phithakkitnukoon, S. , "Study of taxi demand and the use of GSM network (Internal Technical Report)", 2012 [publication]Marco Veloso and Bento, C. and Phithakkitnukoon, S. , "Impact of area type characterized by POIs to the taxi service (Internal Technical Report)", 2012 [publication]Marco Veloso and Bento, C. and Phithakkitnukoon, S. , "Taxi Driver Assistant Framework (Internal Technical Report)", 2012 2011(2 publications) [publication]Marco Veloso and Bento, C. and Phithakkitnukoon, S. , "Exploratory study of taxi trajectories and taxi driver behavior (Internal Technical Report)", 2011 [publication]Marco Veloso and Bento, C. and Phithakkitnukoon, S. , "Study of average taxi speed on urban areas (Internal Technical Report)", 2011 2009(2 publications) [publication]Marco Veloso and Bento, C. and Pereira, F.C. , "Multi-Sensor Data Fusion on Intelligent Transport Systems", 2009 [publication]Amey, A. and Liu, L. and Pereira, F.C. and Zegras, C. and Marco Veloso and Bento, C. , "State of the Practice Overview of Transportation Data Fusion: Technical and Institutional Considerations", 2009