Journal Articles 2020(4 publications) [publication]Lopes, F. and Agnelo, J. and Teixeira, C. and Laranjeiro, N. and Jorge Bernardino , "Automating orthogonal defect classification using machine learning algorithms", Future Generation Computer Systems, vol. 102, pp. 932-947, 2020 [publication]Lopes, F. and Teixeira, C. and Gonçalo Oliveira, H, , "Comparing Different Methods for Named Entity Recognition in Portuguese Neurology Text", Journal of Medical Systems, 2020 [publication]Pisano, F. and Sias, G. and Fanni, A. and Cannas, B. and António Dourado and Pisano, B. and Teixeira, C. , "Convolutional Neural Network for Seizure Detection of Nocturnal Frontal Lobe Epilepsy", Complexity, 2020 [publication]Alvarenga, A. and Teixeira, C. and Kruger, M.A.V. and Pereira, W.C. . , "Method for estimating average grey-level's measurement uncertainty from ultrasound images for non-invasive estimation of temperature in different tissue types", Ultrasonics, pp. 106139-106139, 2020 2019(1 publication) [publication]Pisano, B. and Teixeira, C. and António Dourado and Fanni, A. , "Application of self-organizing map to identify nocturnal epileptic seizures", Neural Computing and Applications, 2019 2018(4 publications) [publication]Leal, A. and Nunes, D. and Couceiro, R. and Henriques, J. and P. Carvalho and Quintal, I. and Teixeira, C. , "Noise detection in phonocardiograms by exploring similarities in spectral features", Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, vol. 44, pp. 154-154, 2018 [publication]Ribeiro, D. and Teixeira, C. and Alberto Cardoso , "Web-based Platform for Training in Biomedical Signal Processing and Classification: the Particular Case of EEG-based Drowsiness Detection", International Journal of Online Engineering (iJOE), vol. 14, pp. 164-171, 2018 [publication]Teixeira, C. and Pastrana-Chalco, M.E. and Pedrosa, A. and Simões, R.J. and Fontes, A. and Alvarenga, A. and Kruger, M.A.V. and Pereira, W.C. . , "On the Feasibility of Ultrasound Imaging Enrichment by Medium-Temperature Changes", Ultrasonic Imaging, 2018 [publication]Machado, F. and Sales, F. and Santos, C. and António Dourado and Teixeira, C. , "A knowledge discovery methodology from EEG data for cyclic alternating pattern detection", BioMedical Engineering OnLine, vol. 17, pp. 185-185, 2018 2017(2 publications) [publication]Teixeira, C. and Mendes, L. and Ruano M G and Pereira, W.C. . , "A method for sub-sample computation of time displacements between discrete signals based only on discrete correlation sequences ", Biomedical Signal Processing and Control , vol. 31, pp. 560-560, 2017 [publication]Bruno Direito and Teixeira, C. and Sales, F. and Castelo-Branco, M. and António Dourado , "A Realistic Seizure Prediction Study Based on Multiclass SVM", International Journal of Neural Systems, vol. 27, pp. 1750006-1750006, 2017 2016(1 publication) [publication]Alberto Cardoso and Osório, D. and Leitão, J. and Sousa, V. and Teixeira, C. , "A Remote Lab to Simulate the Physiological Process of Ingestion and Excretion of a Drug", International Journal of Online Engineering (iJOE), vol. 12, pp. 74-76, 2016 [citation][year=2016]Hu, Wenshan, et al. 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[citation][year=2015]Computational modeling of neurostimulation in brain diseases Y Wang, F Hutchings, M Kaiser - Progress in brain research, 2015 - Elsevier Abstract Neurostimulation as a therapeutic tool has been developed and used for a range of different diseases such as Parkinson's disease, epilepsy, and migraine. However, it is not known why the efficacy of the stimulation varies dramatically across patients or why some ... [citation][year=2015]Defining regions of interest using cross-frequency coupling in extratemporal lobe epilepsy patients M Guirgis, Y Chinvarun, M del Campo… - Journal of neural …, 2015 - Objective. Clinicians identify seizure onset zones (SOZs) for resection in an attempt to localize the epileptogenic zone (EZ), which is the cortical tissue that is indispensible for seizure generation. An automated system is proposed to objectively localize this EZ by ... [citation][year=2015]Neural Codes Characterizing Epileptic Brain States M Guirgis - 2015 - Epilepsy is a dynamical disease and its effects are evident in over fifty million people worldwide. For patients with medically intractable epilepsy, clinicians identify seizure onset zones (SOZs) for resection in an attempt to localize the epileptogenic zone (EZ), which is ... [citation][year=2015]Conundrums of High-Frequency Oscillations (80–800 Hz) in the Epileptic Brain LM de la Prida, RJ Staba, JA Dian - Journal of Clinical …, 2015 - Summary: Pathological high-frequency oscillations (HFOs)(80–800 Hz) are considered biomarkers of epileptogenic tissue, but the underlying complex neuronal events are not well understood. Here, we identify and discuss several outstanding issues or conundrums in ... Citar Guardar Mais [publication]Bandarabadi, M. and Teixeira, C. and , J.R. and António Dourado , "Epileptic Seizure Prediction Using Relative Spectral Power Features", Clinical Neurophysiology, 2014 [citation][year=2015]Seizure prediction for therapeutic devices: a review K Gadhoumi, JM Lina, F Mormann, J Gotman - Journal of neuroscience …, 2015 - Elsevier Abstract Research in seizure prediction has come a long way since its debut almost 4 decades ago. Early studies suffered methodological caveats leading to overoptimistic results and lack of statistical significance. The publication of guidelines addressing mainly the ... [citation][year=2015][Z Zhang, KK Parhi - … in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), …, 2015 - Abstract—This paper presents a novel patient-specific algorithm for prediction of seizures in epileptic patients with low hardware complexity and low power consumption. In the proposed approach, we first compute the spectrogram of the input fragmented EEG ... [citation][year=2015]Low-Complexity Seizure Prediction From iEEG/sEEG Using Spectral Power and Ratios of Spectral Power Z Zhang, KK Parhi - 2015 - EEG patterns are not wide-sense stationary and change from seizure to seizure, electrode to electrode, and from patient to patient. This paper presents a novel patient-specific algorithm for prediction of seizures in epileptic patients from either one or two single-channel or ... [citation][year=2015]Is Using Threshold-Crossing Method and Single Type of Features Sufficient to Achieve Realistic Application of Seizure Prediction? Y Zheng, G Wang, J Wang - Clinical EEG and neuroscience, 2015 - Objective. This study aims to verify whether the simple threshold-crossing method can work well enough to achieve the realistic application of seizure prediction on the basis of a large public database, and examines how a more complex classifier can improve prediction ... [citation][year=2015]Patient-specific epileptic seizure prediction using correlation features O Panichev, A Popov… - Signal Processing …, 2015 - Abstract—In this contribution, several classifiers are employed to study patient-specific epileptic seizure prediction quality using intracranial electroencephalogram signal (iEEG) for dogs and humans suffering from epilepsy. New approach to extraction of correlation- ... [citation][year=2015]Seizure detection using regression tree based feature selection and polynomial SVM classification Z Zhang, KK Parhi - … in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), …, 2015 - Abstract—This paper presents a novel patient-specific algorithm for detection of seizures in epileptic patients with low hardware complexity and low power consumption. In the proposed approach, we first compute the spectrogram of the input fragmented EEG ... [citation][year=2015][PDF] 2015 Signal Processing Symposium (SPSympo) D Village - 2015 - Abstract—This paper focuses on the Time of Arrival (TOA) estimation problem related to new application of pulsar signals for airplane-based navigation. The aim of the paper is to propose and evaluate a possible algorithm for TOA estimation that consists of epoch ... [citation][year=2015]Epileptic Seizure Detection and Prediction Based on Continuous Cerebral Blood Flow Monitoring–a Review S Tewolde, K Oommen, DYC Lie… - Journal of …, 2015 - Epilepsy is the third most common neurological illness, affecting 1% of the world's population. Despite advances in medicine, about 25 to 30% of the patients do not respond to or cannot tolerate the severe side effects of medical treatment, and surgery is not an ... 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A seizure is a sudden burst of rhythmic discharges of electrical activity in the brain that causes an alteration in behavior, sensation, or ... [citation][year=2015]Reliable seizure prediction from EEG data V Cherkassky, B Veber, J Lee, HT Shiao… - … Joint Conference on, 2015 - Abstract-There is a growing interest in data-analytic modeling for prediction and/or detection of epileptic seizures from EEG recording of brain activity [1-10]. Even though there is clear evidence that many patients have changes in EEG signal prior to seizures, development ... Citar Guardar Mais [citation][year=2015]Band-sensitive seizure onset detection via CSP-enhanced EEG features M Qaraqe, M Ismail, E Serpedin - Epilepsy & Behavior, 2015 - Elsevier Abstract This paper presents two novel epileptic seizure onset detectors. The detectors rely on a common spatial pattern (CSP)-based feature enhancement stage that increases the variance between seizure and nonseizure scalp electroencephalography (EEG). The ... [citation][year=2015]Machine learning for seizure prediction: A revamped approach A Sai Kumar, L Nigam, D Karnam… - Advances in …, 2015 - Abstract—Occurrence of multiple seizures is a common phenomenon observed in patients with epilepsy: a neurological malfunction that affects approximately 50 million people in the world. Seizure prediction is widely acknowledged as an important problem in the ... [citation][year=2015]A novel genetic programming approach for epileptic seizure detection A Bhardwaj, A Tiwari, R Krishna, V Varma - Computer methods and …, 2015 - Elsevier Abstract The human brain is a delicate mix of neurons (brain cells), electrical impulses and chemicals, known as neurotransmitters. Any damage has the potential to disrupt the workings of the brain and cause seizures. These epileptic seizures are the manifestations ... [citation][year=2015][PDF] A Machine Learning System for Automated Whole-Brain Seizure Detection B Street, P de Moulon - 2015 - ABSTRACT Epilepsy is a chronic neurological condition that affects approximately 70 million people worldwide. Characterised by sudden bursts of excess electricity in the brain, manifesting as seizures, epilepsy is still not well understood when compared with other ... [citation][year=2015]Epileptic Seizure Prediction by Exploiting Spatiotemporal Relationship of EEG Signals using Phase Correlation MZ Parvez, M Paul - 2015 - Abstract—Automated seizure prediction has a potential in epilepsy monitoring, diagnosis, and rehabilitation. Electroencephalogram (EEG) is widely used for seizure detection and prediction. This paper proposes a new seizure prediction approach based on ... [citation][year=2015][HTML] A machine learning system for automated whole-brain seizure detection P Fergus, A Hussain, D Hignett, D Al-Jumeily… - Applied Computing and …, 2015 - Elsevier Abstract Epilepsy is a chronic neurological condition that affects approximately 70 million people worldwide. Characterised by sudden bursts of excess electricity in the brain, manifesting as seizures, epilepsy is still not well understood when compared with other ... [citation][year=2015][PDF] Detection of Pre-stage of Epileptic Seizure by Exploiting Temporal Correlation of EMD Decomposed EEG Signals MZ Parvez, M Paul, M Antolovich - Journal of Medical and Bioengineering …, 2015 - Abstract—Epilepsy is one of the common neurological disorders characterized by a sudden and recurrent malfunction of the brain that is termed “seizure”, affecting over 50 million individuals worldwide. The Electroencephalogram (EEG) is the most influential technique in ... [citation][year=2015]Seizure prediction by analyzing EEG signal based on phase correlation MZ Parvez, M Paul - … in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), …, 2015 - Abstract—Epilepsy is a common neurological disorders characterized by sudden recurrent seizures. Electroencephalogram (EEG) is widely used to diagnose possible epileptic seizure. Many research works have been devoted to predict epileptic seizure by analyzing ... [citation][year=2015]MZ Parvez, M Paul - ABSTRACT Epilepsy is one of the common neurological disorders characterized by a sudden and recurrent malfunction of the brain that is termed “seizure”, affecting around 65 million individuals worldwide. Epileptic seizure may lead to many injuries such as ... 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