Journal Articles 2020(2 publications) [publication]Lucas, P. and Silva, J. and Araujo, F. and Silva, C. and P. 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Co-located with the IEEE BigData Conference., 2014 2013(2 publications) [publication]Samuel Neves and Araujo, F. , "Engineering nonlinear pseudorandom number generators", in 10th International Conference on Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics (PPAM 2013), Warsaw, Poland, 2013 [citation][year=2014]S Schultz, Configurable Testbeds for Cloud Data Management Systems, Publication/NA, 2014 [publication]Rocha, R.P. and Portugal, D. and Couceiro, M. and Araujo, F. and Menezes, P. and Lobo, J. , "The CHOPIN project: Cooperation between Human and rObotic teams in catastroPhic INcidents", in IEEE International Symposium on Safety, Security, and Rescue Robotics, Linköping, Sweden, 2013 2012(7 publications) [publication]Kovacs, J. and Araujo, F. and Boychenko, S. and Keller, M. and Brinkmann, A. , "Monitoring UNICORE jobs executed on Desktop Grid resources", in 35th Jubilee International Conference on Information and Communication Technology, Electronics and Microelectronics (MIPRO 2012), 2012 [publication]Costa, A.C. and Verissimo, P. and Kreutz, D. and Araujo, F. and Barbosa, R. and Samuel Neves and Sousa, B. and Marilia Curado and Silva, C. and Gandhi, R. and Narasimhan, P. , "TRONE: Trustworthy and Resilient Operations in a Network Environment", in The Second International Workshop on Dependability of Clouds, Data Centers and Virtual Machine Technology (DCDV 2012). 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[publication]Samuel Neves and Araujo, F. , "Representing sparse binary matrices as straight-line programs for fast matrix-vector multiplication ", in 2012 International Conference on High Performance Computing & Simulation (HPCS 2012), 2012 [publication]Samuel Neves and Araujo, F. , "Binary code obfuscation through C++ template metaprogramming", in 4º Simpósio de Informática - INForum 2012, 2012 [citation][year=2013]Zalán Sz?gyi, Tamás Cséri and Zoltán Porkoláb, Random number generator for C++ template metaprograms. 13th Symposium on Programming Languages and Software Tools (SPLST 2013), Kos, Greece [publication]Boychenko, S. and Araujo, F. , "Benchmarking the EDGI Infrastructure", in 4º Simpósio de Informática - INForum 2012, 2012 [publication]Naghmeh Ivaki and Barbosa, R. and Araujo, F. , "A Middleware for Exactly-Once Semantics in Request-Response Interactions", in 18th IEEE Pacific Rim International Symposium on Dependable Computing (PRDC 2012), 2012 [citation][year=2014]Zohora, Fatema Tuz, Md Yusuf Sarwar Uddin, and Johra Muhammad Moosa. 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This paper addresses these issues with emerging technologies, as desktop grid and cloud computing. Learning ... Related articles Cite Save [citation][year=2014][PDF] from Ad hoc cloud computing GA McGilvary - 2014 - Commercial and private cloud providers offer virtualized resources via a set of co-located and dedicated hosts that are exclusively reserved for the purpose of offering a cloud service. While both cloud models appeal to the mass market, there are many cases where ... Cite Save [citation][year=2014]The Cost of Virtualization Implementation in Volunteer Computing M Anjomshoa, M Salleh, MP Kermani - Abstract—The advantages of using virtualization can be impaired if it can not deliver sufficient performance. Running applications in virtualized environment incur performance overheads regarding to the virtualization functionalities like initialization virtual machine ... Cite Save [citation][year=2013]14811620328353250200 V-BOINC: The Virtualization of BOINC GA McGilvary, A Barker, A Lloyd, M Atkinson arXiv preprint arXiv: … 2013 [citation][year=2012]14811620328353250200 Towards a volunteer cloud system A Marosi, J Kovács, P Kacsuk Future Generation Computer Systems 2012 Elsevier [publication]Samuel Neves and Araujo, F. , "On the Performance of GPU Public-Key Cryptography", in International Conference on Application-Specific Systems, Architectures and Processors, 2011 [citation][year=2015]Moon Sung Lee, Yongje Lee, Jung Hee Cheon, Yunheung Paek. "Accelerating bootstrapping in FHEW using GPUs." In IEEE 26th International Conference on Application-specific Systems, Architectures and Processors (ASAP), 2015. pp. 128--135. [citation][year=2015]Emmart, N and Weems, C. "Pushing the Performance Envelope of Modular Exponentiation Across Multiple Generations of GPUs." 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[citation][year=2013]N Emmart, C Weems, Toward Automatic Optimized Code Generation for Multiprecision Modular Exponentiation on a GPU, Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE 27th International …, 2013 [citation][year=2012]Henry, Ryan, and Ian Goldberg. "Solving discrete logarithms in smooth-order groups with CUDA." In Workshop Record of SHARCS, pp. 101-118. 2012. [publication]Samuel Neves and Araujo, F. , "Fast and Small Nonlinear Pseudorandom Number Generators for Computer Simulation", in International Conference on Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics, 2011 [citation][year=2015]L'Ecuyer, Pierre. "Random number generation with multiple streams for sequential and parallel computing." 2015 Winter Simulation Conference. 2015. [citation][year=2014]P. L'Ecuyer, B. Oreshkin, and R. Simard, ``Random Numbers for Parallel Computers: Requirements and Methods,'' Submitted to Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 2014. [citation][year=2014]S Schultz, Configurable Testbeds for Cloud Data Management Systems, Msc thesis, 2014. [citation][year=2014]“PCG: A Family of Simple Fast Space-Efficient Statistically Good Algorithms for Random Number Generation”, Melissa E. O'Neill, submitted to ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software. [citation][year=2014]S Neves, F Araujo, Engineering Nonlinear Pseudorandom Number Generators, Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics, 2014 2010(2 publications) [publication]He, H. and Fedak, G. and Kacsuk, P. and Farkas, Z. and Balaton, Z. and Lodygensky, O. and Urbah, E. and Caillat, G. and Araujo, F. , "Extending the EGEE Grid with XtremWeb-HEP Desktop Grids", in 4th Workshop on Desktop Grids and Volunteer Computing Systems (PCGrid 2010), 2010 [citation][year=2013]Cooperative scheduling mechanism for large-scale peer-to-peer computing systems J Rius, F Cores, F Solsona Journal of Network and Computer Applications 2013 Elsevier [citation][year=2013]Has Open Source Prevailed in Desktop Grid and Volunteer Computing? open source prevailed.pdf M Vl?doiu Publication/NA Year/NA [citation][year=2011]Using Open Source Desktop Grids in Scientific Computing and Visualization Z Constantinescu, M Vladoiu ADVANCES IN GRID COMPUTING 2011 [publication]Ferreira, D. and Araujo, F. and Domingues, P. , "Custom execution environments in the BOINC middleware", in 4th Iberian Grid Infrastructure Conference (IBERGRID 2010), 2010 2009(3 publications) [publication]Domingues, P. and Araujo, F. and Silva, L. , "Evaluating the Performance and Intrusiveness of Virtual Machines for Desktop Grid Computing", in 3rd Workshop on Desktop Grids and Volunteer Computing Systems (PCGrid 2009), 2009 [citation][year=2016]Evaluating performance degradation in NoSQL databases generated by virtualization G Martins, P Bezerra, R Gomes… - … 2015 Latin American, 2015 - Abstract-There are many services in Cloud Systems currently on the market for hosting servers with different purposes. These environments are IT infrastructures frequently deployed in large data centers using Virtual Machines. Moreover, an increasing number of ... Cite Save [citation][year=2016]Harvesting idle CPU resources for desktop grid computing while limiting the slowdown generated to end-users E Rosales, G Sotelo, A de la Vega, CO Díaz… - Cluster …, 2015 - Springer Abstract We address the challenge of both harvesting idle CPU resources on off-the-shelf desktops donated to Desktop Grid Computing while at once limiting the slowdown generated to the resource owner, also known as end-user, to customized values. In this ... Cite Save [citation][year=2014]DS-VBF: Dual sink vector-based routing protocol for underwater wireless sensor network KM Pouryazdanpanah, M Anjomshoa… - Control and System …, 2014 - Abstract—Underwater wireless sensor networks (UWSNs) have become the seat of researchers' attention recently due to their proficiency to explore underwater areas and design different applications for marine discovery and oceanic surveillance. One of the ... Cite Save [citation][year=2014]Implications of CPU Dynamic Performance and Energy-Efficient Technologies on the Intrusiveness Generated by Desktop Grids Based on Virtualization G Sotelo, E Rosales, H Castro - High Performance Computing, 2014 - Springer Abstract We evaluate how dynamic performance and energy-efficient technologies, as features introduced in modern processor architectures, affect the intrusiveness that Desktop Grids based on virtualization generate on desktops. Such intrusiveness is defined as ... Cite Save [citation][year=2014][PDF] from Ad hoc cloud computing GA McGilvary - 2014 - Commercial and private cloud providers offer virtualized resources via a set of co-located and dedicated hosts that are exclusively reserved for the purpose of offering a cloud service. While both cloud models appeal to the mass market, there are many cases where ... Cite Save [citation][year=2014]The Cost of Virtualization Implementation in Volunteer Computing M Anjomshoa, M Salleh, MP Kermani - Abstract—The advantages of using virtualization can be impaired if it can not deliver sufficient performance. Running applications in virtualized environment incur performance overheads regarding to the virtualization functionalities like initialization virtual machine ... Cite Save [citation][year=2014][PDF] from [CITATION] Gestión de la información espacial en sistema P2P J Vallecillos Ruiz - 2014 - Resumen—La gestión de datos espaciales es útil hoy en d?a en muchos campos de aplicación, tales como la geociencia, CAD, la robótica o la protección del medio ambiente por mencionar algunos. Tratar con este tipo de datos (puntos, l?neas, pol?gonos, regiones, ... Cite Save [citation][year=2013]McGilvary, Gary A and Barker, Adam and Lloyd, Ashley and Atkinson, Malcolm, ”V-BOINC: The Virtualization of BOINC”, Proceedings of the 13th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Grid Computing (CCGrid 2013), 2013. 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Related articles Cite Save [publication]Naghmeh Ivaki and Araujo, F. and Ferreira, D. , "Benchmarking the 3G-Bridge in the EDGeS Infrastructure", in The 9th Cracow Grid Workshop 2009 (CGW09), 2009 2008(4 publications) [publication]Araujo, F. and Domingues, P. and Kondo, D. and Silva, L. , "Using cliques of nodes to store desktop grid checkpoints", in Coregrid Integration Workshop, 2008 [citation][year=2012]Ahmad Al-Shishtawy, ”Self-Management for Large-Scale Distributed Systems”, PhD Thesis, KTH School of Information and Communication Technology, Stockholm, Sweden, 2012. 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Cited by 1 Related articles All 9 versions Cite Save More [citation][year=2015][PDF] from Contributions to Desktop Grid Computing G Fedak - 2015 - Since the mid 90's, Desktop Grid Computing-ie the idea of using a large number of remote PCs distributed on the Internet to execute large parallel applications-has proved to be an efficient paradigm to provide a large computational power at the fraction of the cost of a ... Cite Save [citation][year=2015]Virtual Screening in a Desktop Grid: Replication and the Optimal Quorum I Chernov, N Nikitina - Parallel Computing Technologies, 2015 - Springer Abstract We propose a mathematical model of a desktop grid computing system that solves tasks with two possible answers. Replication is used in order to reduce the error risk: wrong answers are returned with some known probabilities and penalty is added to the ... Cited by 2 Cite Save [citation][year=2015]A MapReduce-based algorithm for parallelizing collusion detection in Hadoop M Mortazavi, BT Ladani - Information and Knowledge …, 2015 - Abstract—MapReduce as a programming model for parallel data processing has been used in many open systems such as cloud computing and service-oriented computing. Collusive behavior of worker entities in MapReduce model can violate integrity concern of open ... Cite Save [citation][year=2013]@article{DBLP:journals/corr/AntaGM13, author = {Antonio Fern{\'a}ndez Anta and Chryssis Georgiou and Miguel A. 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Cite Save [citation][year=2015]Result Verification Scheme with Resource Clustering in Desktop Grids JM Gil, YH Cho, SH Hong - Advanced Multimedia and Ubiquitous …, 2015 - Springer Abstract In desktop grids, it is important to guarantee the verification of task results in the presence of dynamic properties, such as volatility and heterogeneity. To achieve this objective, we propose the result-verification scheme with resource clustering that can ... Related articles All 2 versions Cite Save [citation][year=2015]An implementation of credibility-based job scheduling method in volunteer computing systems S Tani, Y Nogami, M Fukushi - Consumer Electronics-Taiwan ( …, 2015 - Abstract—This paper addresses a job scheduling problem in Volunteer Computing (VC) systems, where some malicious participant may return incorrect results (sabotaging). Credibilitybased job scheduling method, namely ENR-ECJ, is a promising approach to ... Cite Save [citation][year=2015]Virtual Screening in a Desktop Grid: Replication and the Optimal Quorum I Chernov, N Nikitina - Parallel Computing Technologies, 2015 - Springer Abstract We propose a mathematical model of a desktop grid computing system that solves tasks with two possible answers. Replication is used in order to reduce the error risk: wrong answers are returned with some known probabilities and penalty is added to the ... Cited by 2 Cite Save [citation][year=2015]Dynamic Job Scheduling Method Based on Expected Probability of Completion of Voting in Volunteer Computing Y MIYAKOSHI, S YASUDA, K WATANABE… - … on Information and …, 2015 - This paper addresses the problem of job scheduling in volunteer computing (VC) systems where each computation job is replicated and allocated to multiple participants (workers) to remove incorrect results by a voting mechanism. In the job scheduling of VC, the number ... Cite Save [citation][year=2014]Reputation-Based Mechanisms for Reliable Crowdsourcing Computation E Christoforou, A Fernández Anta, G Chryssis… - 2014 - We consider an Internet-based Master-Worker framework, for machine-oriented computing tasks (ie SETI@ home) or human intelligence tasks (ie Amazon's Mechanical Turk). In this framework a master sends tasks to unreliable workers, and the workers execute and ... Cite Save [citation][year=2014]The Effectiveness of Reputation-based Voting for Collusion Tolerance in Large-Scale Grids M Essaaidi, A Bendahmane, A El Moussaoui, Y Ali - Abstract—Large scale grids permit to share grid resources spread over different autonomous administrative sites in the internet. The rapid progress of grid systems opens the door for numerous companies to adopt this technology in their business development. ... 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