Conference Articles 2011(2 publications) [publication]Ventura, F. and Teixeira, C. and António Dourado , "Multiobjective support vector machines optimization for epileptic seizure prediction", in Panamerican Health Care Exanges, 2011 [publication]Bruno Direito and Ventura, F. and Teixeira, C. and António Dourado , "Optimized Feature Subsets for Epileptic Seizure Prediction Studies", in EMBC-2011, 33nd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 2011 [citation][year=2016]Zainuddin, Z., Lai, K.H. and Ong, P., 2016. An enhanced harmony search based algorithm for feature selection: Applications in epileptic seizure detection and prediction. Computers & Electrical Engineering, 53, pp.143-162. 2009(1 publication) [publication]Ventura, F. and António Oliveira and Amilcar Cardoso , "An Emotion-Driven Interactive System", in Portuguese Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2009