Journal Articles 2020(1 publication) [publication]Cerveira, F. and Barbosa, R. and Madeira, H. and Araujo, F. , "The Effects of Soft Errors and Mitigation Strategies for Virtualization Servers", IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing, 2020 2018(2 publications) [publication]Barbosa, R. and Cerveira, F. and Gonçalo, L. and Madeira, H. , "Emulating representative software vulnerabilities using field data", Springer Computing, vol. 101, pp. 119-138, 2018 [publication]Madeira, H. and Castelo-Branco, M. and Duarte, C. and Castelhano, J. , "The role of the insula in intuitive expert bug detection in computer code: an fMRI study", Brain Imaging and Behavior, vol. 12, pp. 1-15, 2018 2016(1 publication) [publication]Natella, R. and Cotroneo, D. and Madeira, H. , "Assessing Dependability with Software Fault Injection: A Survey", ACM Computing Surveys, vol. 48, pp. 1-57, 2016 2015(3 publications) [publication]Veras, P.C. and Villani, E. and Ambrósio, A.M. and Marco Vieira and Madeira, H. , "A Benchmarking Process to Assess Software Requirements Documentation for Space Applications", Journal of Systems and Software (JSS), vol. 100, 2015 [publication]Costa, J.P. and Silva, J.G. and Madeira, H. , "Practical and Representative Faultloads for Large-Scale Software Systems", Journal of Systems and Software, vol. 103, pp. 182-197, 2015 [publication]Costa, P. .N.d. and Silva, J.G. and Madeira, H. , "Practical and representative faultloads for large-scale software systems", Journal of Systems and Software, vol. 103, pp. 182-197, 2015 2014(3 publications) [publication]Laranjeiro, N. and Marco Vieira and Madeira, H. , "A Technique for Deploying Robust Web Services", IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, vol. 47, 2014 [publication]José Fonseca and Seixas, N. and Marco Vieira and Madeira, H. , "Analysis of Field Data on Web Security Vulnerabilities", IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, vol. 11, 2014 [publication]José Fonseca and Marco Vieira and Madeira, H. , "Evaluation of Web Security Mechanisms using Vulnerability & Attack Injection", IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, vol. 11, 2014 2013(1 publication) [publication]Joao Duraes and Madeira, H. and Cotroneo, D. and Natella, R. , "On Fault Representativeness of Software Fault Injection", IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, vol. 39, pp. 80-96, 2013 2012(3 publications) [publication]Laranjeiro, N. and Marco Vieira and Madeira, H. , "A Robustness Testing Approach for SOAP Web Services", Journal of Internet Services and Applications (JISA), 2012 [publication]Raquel Almeida and Vieira, J. and Marco Vieira and Madeira, H. and Jorge Bernardino , "Cost-Effective Data Allocation in Data Warehouse Striping", International Journal of Database Management Systems (IJDMS), ISSN: 0975-5705 (online) - 0975-5985 (print), vol. 4, 2012 [publication]Natella, R. and Cotroneo, D. and Madeira, H. , "On Fault Representativeness of Software Fault Injection", IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, vol. 39, pp. 80-96, 2012 2008(1 publication) [publication]Pintér, G. and Madeira, H. and Marco Vieira and Majzik, I. and Pataricza, A. , "Integration of OLAP and Data Mining for Analysis of Results from Dependability Evaluation Experiments", in International Journal of Knowledge Management Studies (IJKMS), Volume 2 Issue 4, 2008 [citation][year=2010]1. 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Salvatore Orlando, “Software Aging Analysis of Off The Shelf Software Items”, PhD Thesis, “FEDERICO II” University of Naples, Naples, Italy, October 2007. 2003(1 publication) [publication]Joao Duraes and Madeira, H. , "Multidimensional Characterization of the Impact of Faulty Drivers on the Operating Systems Behavior", Transactions of IEICE (Institute of the Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers), 2003 [citation][year=2009]Constantin Sarbu, "Operational Pro_ling of OS Drivers?, PhD thesis, University of Darmstadt, Alemanha, 2009 [citation][year=2008]Andreas Johansson, "Robustness Evaluation of Operating Systems?, PhD thesis, Darmstadt University, 2008 [citation][year=2007]Andras Johansson, Neeraj Suri, Brendan Murphy "On the Selection of Error Model(s) For OS Robustness Evaluation?, 37th Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks, Edinburgo, Reino Unido, 25-28 de Junho de 2007. [citation][year=2005]Andréas Johansson and Neeraj Suri, "Error Propagation Profiling of Operating Systems?, IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks, Performance and Dependability Symposium, DSN-PDS 2005, Yokohama, Japão, 28 de Junho a 1 de Julho de 2005. 2002(1 publication) [publication]Jorge Bernardino and Furtado, P. and Madeira, H. , "Approximate Query Answering Using Data Warehouse Striping", Journal of Intelligent Information Systems- Integrating Artificial Intelligence and Database Technologies, vol. 19, 2002 [citation][year=2013]1 "Approximate Query Answering Using Data Warehouse Striping [citation][year=2013]" 4543013994316329237 Handling big dimensions in distributed data warehouses using the DWS technique M Costa, H Madeira Proceedings of the 7th ACM international … 2004 2 "Approximate Query Answering Using Data Warehouse Striping [citation][year=2013]" 4543013994316329237 DWS-AQA: A cost effective approach for very large data warehouses J Bernardino, P Furtado… Database Engineering and … 2002 3 "Approximate Query Answering Using Data Warehouse Striping [citation][year=2013]" 4543013994316329237 Providing ranked cooperative query answers using the metricized knowledge abstraction hierarchy MK Shin, SY Huh, W Lee Expert Systems with Applications 2007 Elsevier 4 "Approximate Query Answering Using Data Warehouse Striping [citation][year=2013]" 4543013994316329237 Method using a hierarchy of servers for query processing of column chunks in a distributed column chunk data store;=&vid=USPAT7921131&id=JhlzAQAAEBAJ&oi=fnd&printsec=abstract RK Uppala US Patent 7,921,131 2011 Google Patents 5 "Approximate Query Answering Using Data Warehouse Striping [citation][year=2013]" 4543013994316329237 A middle layer for distributed data warehouses using the DWS-AQA technique. 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M Costa, J Vieira, J Bernardino, P Furtado… … 2003 6 "Approximate Query Answering Using Data Warehouse Striping [citation][year=2013]" 4543013994316329237 Algorithms for efficient processing of complex queries in node-partitioned data warehouses P Furtado … and Applications Symposium, 2004. IDEAS'04. … 2004 7 "Approximate Query Answering Using Data Warehouse Striping [citation][year=2013]" 4543013994316329237 Efficient compression of text attributes of data warehouse dimensions J Vieira, J Bernardino, H Madeira Data Warehousing and Knowledge … 2005 Springer 8 "Approximate Query Answering Using Data Warehouse Striping [citation][year=2013]" 4543013994316329237 Scalable Query Infrastructure;=&vid=USPATAPP11537476&id=qyOoAAAAEBAJ&oi=fnd&printsec=abstract A Rowstron, R Mortier, A Donnelly… US Patent App. 11/ … 2006 Google Patents 9 "Approximate Query Answering Using Data Warehouse Striping [citation][year=2013]" 4543013994316329237 System of a hierarchy of servers for query processing of column chunks in a distributed column chunk data store;=&vid=USPAT7860865&id=w0bwAAAAEBAJ&oi=fnd&printsec=abstract RK Uppala US Patent 7,860,865 2010 Google Patents 10 "Approximate Query Answering Using Data Warehouse Striping [citation][year=2013]" 4543013994316329237 Accuracy estimation in approximate query processing C Dell'Aquila, F Di Tria, E Lefons… Proceedings of the 14th … 2010 11 "Approximate Query Answering Using Data Warehouse Striping [citation][year=2013]" 4543013994316329237 [CITATION][C] u-?? ???? ?? ??????? ???? ?? ??? ?? Link/NA ??? ?????????????? 2006 ??????????? 12 "Approximate Query Answering Using Data Warehouse Striping [citation][year=2013]" 4543013994316329237 Data warehouse access using multi-agent system N Kolsi, A Abdellatif, K Ghedira Distributed and Parallel Databases 2009 Springer 13 "Approximate Query Answering Using Data Warehouse Striping [citation][year=2013]" 4543013994316329237 Building OLAP tools over large databases R Oliveira, J Bernardino Proceedings of IADIS Virtual Multi Conference 2006 Citeseer 14 "Approximate Query Answering Using Data Warehouse Striping [citation][year=2013]" 4543013994316329237 Metrics for approximate query engine evaluation F Di Tria, E Lefons, F Tangorra Proceedings of the 27th Annual ACM … 2012 15 "Approximate Query Answering Using Data Warehouse Striping [citation][year=2013]" 4543013994316329237 Probabilistic model for accuracy estimation in approximate monodimensional analyses C Dell'Aquila, F Di Tria, E Lefons… WSEAS Transactions on … 2010 16 "Approximate Query Answering Using Data Warehouse Striping [citation][year=2013]" 4543013994316329237 Multi agent systems in distributed datawarehousing TP Latchoumi, R Sunitha Computer and Communication … 2010 17 "Approximate Query Answering Using Data Warehouse Striping [citation][year=2013]" 4543013994316329237 Spatial Telemetric Data Warehouse and Software Agents as Environment to Distributed Execute SQL Queries M Gorawski, E P?uciennik Proceedings of the … 2006 18 "Approximate Query Answering Using Data Warehouse Striping [citation][year=2013]" 4543013994316329237 Exploiting data access for dynamic fragmentation in data warehouse H Derrar, M Ahmed?Nacer, O Boussaid International Journal of … 2013 Inderscience 19 "Approximate Query Answering Using Data Warehouse Striping [citation][year=2013]" 4543013994316329237 An Analysis of Data Warehouse Research HY Lin, PY Hsu, YM Su Electronic Commerce Studies 2006 20 "Approximate Query Answering Using Data Warehouse Striping 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[publication]Olga Craveiro and Macedo, J. and Madeira, H. , "PorTexTO: sistema de anotação/extracção de expressões temporais", in Desafios na avaliação conjunta do reconhecimento de entidades mencionadas: O Segundo HAREM, pp. 159-170, 2008 2007(1 publication) [publication]Madeira, H. and Martins, E. and Moraes, R. , "Component-Based Software Certification Based on Experimental Risk Assessment", in Lecture Notes in Computer Science Volume, vol. 4746, pp. 179-197, 2007 2005(1 publication) [publication]Silva, J.G. and Madeira, H. , "Experimental Dependability Evaluation", in Dependable Computing Systems: Paradigms, Performance Issues, and Applications, 2005 2003(1 publication) [publication]Costa, D. and Madeira, H. and Carreira, J. and Silva, J.G. , "Xception?: a Software Implemented Fault Injection Tool", in Fault Injection Techniques and Tools for Embedded Systems Reliability Evaluation, 2003 2002(1 publication) [publication]Jorge Bernardino and Madeira, H. , "Data Warehouse Striping: Improved Query Response Time", in Enterprise Information Sysytems III, 2002 1992(1 publication) [publication]Madeira, H. and Silva, J.G. , "On-line Signature Learning and Checking", in Dependable Computing for Critical Applications 2, 1992 [citation][year=2006]Yasser Sedaghat, Seyed Ghassem Miremadi, Mahdi Fazeli, "A Software-Based Error Detection Technique Using Encoded Signatures," dft, pp. 389-400, 21st IEEE International Symposium on Defect and Fault-Tolerance in VLSI Systems (DFT'06), 2006. 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