Journal Articles 2005(1 publication) [publication]Prata, P. and Mario Zenha-Rela and Madeira, H. and Silva, J.G. , "Robust Assertions and Fail-Bounded Behavior", Journal of the Brazilian Computer Society (Special Issue on Dependable Computing), 2005 Conference Articles 1999(2 publications) [publication]Prata, P. and Silva, J.G. , "Fault-Detection by Result-Checking for the Eigenproblem", in EDDC-3, 1999 [publication]Prata, P. and Silva, J.G. , "Algorithm Based Fault Tolerance versus Result-Checking for Matrix Computations", in FTCS - 29, 1999 [citation][year=2003]1. ÿrjan Askerdal "On Impact and Tolerance of Data Errors with Varied Duration in Microprocessors" PhD Thesis, Departament of Computer Engineering, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden, 2003, ISBN 91-7291-285-5. [citation][year=2001]Ahmad A. Al-Yamani, Nahmsuk Oh, Edward J. McCluskey " Performance Evaluation of Checksum-Based ABFT" IEEE International Symposium on Defect and Fault Tolerance in VLSI Systems (DFT'01), October 24 - 26, 2001, San Francisco, California. [citation][year=2001]Behrooz Parhami "Approach to component-based synthesis of fault-tolerant software" Informatica 25 (2001) 533"543 [citation][year=2001]John A. Gunnels, Daniel S. Katz, Enrique S. Quintana"Ortí, Robert A. van de Geijn "Fault"Tolerant High"Performance Matrix Multiplication: Theory and Practice" Proceedings of the 2001 International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks, 1-4 July 2001, Göteborg, Sweden, IEEE Computer Society, ISBN 0-7695-1101-5, pp. 47-56. [citation][year=2001]Ahmad A. Al-Yamani, Nahmuk Oh, Edward J. McCluskey "Algorithm-Based Fault Tolerance: A performance perspective based error rate" Supplement of the 2001 International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks, 1-4 July 2001, Göteborg, Sweden, IEEE Computer Society, pp B-108,B-109. [citation][year=2000]1. Michael Turmon, Robert Granat, Daniel S. Katz, "Software-Implemented Fault Detection for High-Performance Space Applications" Proc. of DSN-2000 - The International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (FTCS-30, DCCA-8), 25-28 June 2000, New York, USA, IEEE Computer Society Press, ISBN 0-7695-0707-7, pp. 107-116. 1998(1 publication) [publication]Silva, J.G. and Prata, P. and Mario Zenha-Rela and Madeira, H. , "Practical Issues in the Use of ABFT and a new Failure Model", in FTCS - 28, 1998 [citation][year=2009]Robert Granat, Kiri L. Wagstaff, Benjamin Bornstein, Benyang Tang, and Michael Turmon. Simulating and Detecting Radiation-Induced Errors for Onboard Machine Learning. Proceedings of the Third IEEE International Conference on Space Mission Challenges for Information Technology (SMC-IT), 19 a 23 de July, Pasadena, CA, EUA, 2009 [citation][year=2008]Daniel Skarin, Johan Karlsson, "Software Implemented Detection and Recovery of Soft Errors in a Brake-by-Wire System?, Seventh European Dependable Computing Conference, EDCC 2008, Kaunas, Lituánia, 07 a 09 de Maio de 2008 [citation][year=2005]Sumant Kowshik, Girish Baliga, Scott Graham, Lui Sha, "Co-design Based Approach to Improve Robustness in Networked Control Systems?, IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks, Performance and Dependability Symposium, DSN-PDS 2005, Yokohama, Japão, 28 de Junho a 1 de Julho de 2005. [citation][year=2005]Jonny Vinter, Olaf Hannius, Torbjorn Norlander, Peter Folkesson, Johan Karlsson, ?Experimental Dependability Evaluation of a Fail-Bounded Jet Engine Control Syste,m for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles", IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks, Performance and Dependability Symposium, DSN-PDS 2005, Yokohama, Japão, 28 de Junho a 1 de Julho de 2005. [citation][year=2005]Jonny Vinter, "On the Effects of Soft Errors in Embedded Control Systems?, PhD Thesis, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Chalmers University of Technology, Göteborg, Sweden, 2005, ISBN 91-7291-630-3 [citation][year=2004]Christoforos N. Hadjicostis, "Coding Techniques for Fault-Tolerant Parallel Prefix Computations in Abelian Groups?, The Computer Journal, 47(3):329-341, © The British Computer Society, 2004 [citation][year=2003]J. Z. Lou, "Tests and Tolerances for High-Performance Software-Implemented Fault Detection?, IEEE Transactions on Computers 0018-9340/03, © 2003 IEEE Published by the IEEE Computer Society Vol. 52, No. 5; MAY 2003, pp. 579-591. (Science Citation Index Expanded) [citation][year=2003]M. Turmon, R. Granat, D. S. Katz, J. Z. Lou, "Tests and Tolerances for High-Performance Software-Implemented Fault Detection,? IEEE Trans. Computers, 2003. Volume 52, Issue 5, May 2003 Page(s):579 - 591 (Science Citation Index Expanded) [citation][year=2003]ÿrjan Askerdal, "On Impact and Tolerance of Data Errors with Varied Duration in Microprocessors", tese de doutoramento, Chalmers University of Technology, Gotemburgo, Suécia, ISBN 91-7291-285-5, 2003. [citation][year=2003]Jonny Vinter, A. Johansson, P. Folkesson, and J. Karlsson, "On the design of robust integrators for fail-bounded control systems", IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks, Dependable Computing and Communications, DSN-DCC 2003, San Francisco, CA, USA, pp. 415-424, 22 a 25 de Junho de 2003 [citation][year=2002]1. J. Norberg, T. Ersson, J. Vinter, M. Torngren, P. Folkesson, J. Karlsson, "A co-design approach for error handling in computer control systems", supplemental volume of the IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks, DSN-2002, Bethesda, Maryland, USA, pp. B-22-B23, June 23-26, 2002. PhD Theses 2000(1 publication) [publication]Prata, P. , "High Coverage Assertions", 2000