Journal Articles 2019(1 publication) [publication]Lino, A.D.P. and Rocha, Á. and Macedo, L. and Sizo, A. , "Application of clustering-based decision tree approach in SQL query error database", Future Generation Computer Systems, vol. 93, pp. 392-406, 2019 [citation][year=2020]Natarajan, J. (2020). Cyber Secure Man-in-the-Middle Attack Intrusion Detection Using Machine Learning Algorithms. In AI and Big Data’s Potential for Disruptive Innovation (pp. 291-316). IGI Global. [citation][year=2020]Phillips, I. J. (2020). Maintaining Small Retail Business Profitability by Reducing Cyberattacks. [citation][year=2020]RAMAKRISHNAN, V., & PALANISAMY, C. BIBSQLQC: Brown infomax boosted SQL query clustering algorithm to detect anti-patterns in the query log. [citation][year=2020]Szüle, B. (2019). Klaszterszám-meghatározási módszerek összehasonlítása. STATISZTIKAI SZEMLE, 97(5), 421-438. [citation][year=2019]Yang, L., Tian, L., & Zhang, L. (2019, November). Research on Freshman Registration Prediction Based on Machine Learning. In 2019 2nd International Conference on Safety Produce Informatization (IICSPI) (pp. 465-467). IEEE. [citation][year=2019]Smith, S. D. (2019). Strategies to Reduce the Fiscal Impact of Cyberattacks. 2018(1 publication) [publication]Sizo, A. and Lino, A.D.P. and Reis, L.P. and Rocha, Á. , "An overview of assessing the quality of peer review reports of scientific articles", International Journal of Information Management, vol. 2018, pp. 1-8, 2018 2017(1 publication) [publication]Lino, A.D.P. and Rocha, Á. and Sizo, A. , "Virtual teaching and learning environments: automatic evaluation with artificial neural networks", Cluster Computing (online), vol. 20170715, pp. 1-12, 2017 2016(1 publication) [publication]Lino, A.D.P. and Sizo, A. and Rocha, Á. , "Virtual teaching and learning environments: Automatic evaluation with symbolic regression", Telematics and Informatics, vol. 31, pp. 2061-2072, 2016 Conference Articles 2019(1 publication) [publication]Lino, A.D.P. and Rocha, Á. and Macedo, L. and Sizo, A. , "LabDER - Relational Database Virtual Learning Environment", in 38th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling (ER 2019), 2019 2018(1 publication) [publication]Sizo, A. and Lino, A.D.P. and Rocha, Á. , "Assessing Review Reports of Scientific Articles: A Literature Review", in WorldCIST’18 - The 6th World Conference on Information Systems and Technologies, AISC, 745, Springer, 2018 2016(1 publication) [publication]Lino, A.D.P. and Sizo, A. and Rocha, Á. , "A Proposal for Automatic Evaluation by Symbolic Regression in Virtual Learning Environments", in WorldCist'16 - 4th World Conference on Information Systems and Technologies, AISC, Springer, 2016