Conference Articles 2000(2 publications) [publication]Távora, V.M.N. and Silva, L. and Silva, J.G. , "Distributed Checkpointing Mechanism for a Parallel File System", in EuroPVM/MPI\'2000, 2000 [publication]Távora, V.M.N. and Silva, L. and Silva, J.G. , "Fault Tolerance for Parallel Systems", in Proc. Int. Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing and Systems, 2000 1996(1 publication) [publication]Silva, L. and Távora, V.M.N. and Silva, J.G. , "Mechanisms of File-Checkpointing for Unix Applications", in 14th IASTED International Conference on Applied Informatics, 1996 [citation][year=1999]1. Mootaz Elnozahy, Lorenzo Alvisi, Yi-Min Wang, David B. Johnson "A Survey of Rollback-Recovery Protocols in Message Passing Systems", CMU Technical Report CMU-CS-99-148, June 1999, Carbegie-Mellon University, USA.