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[citation][year=2015][CITAÇÃO] PCBA DEMAND FORECASTING USING AN EVOLVING FUZZY TAKAGI-SUGENO SYSTEM U Kaymak - 2015 [citation][year=2014]A fast learning algorithm for evolving neo-fuzzy neuron AM Silva, W Caminhas, A Lemos, F Gomide - Applied Soft Computing, 2014 - Elsevier [citation][year=2013]A fast learning algorithm for evolving neo-fuzzy neuron A Silva, W Caminhas, A Lemos, F Gomide - Applied Soft Computing, 2013 - Elsevier [citation][year=2012]Sequential adaptive fuzzy inference system for function approximation problems HJ Rong - Learning in Non-Stationary Environments, 2012 - Springer [citation][year=2011]Modified OnLine Sequential Fuzzy Extreme Learning Machine, MSc Thesis, AC Bhatnagar - [citation][year=2010]A BCM theory of meta-plasticity for online self-reorganizing fuzzy-associative learning Texto Integral@b-onJ Tan… - Neural Networks, IEEE Transactions on, 2010 - [citation][year=2010]An Industrial Strength Novelty Detection Framework for Autonomous Equipment Monitoring and Diagnostics 2010 DP Filev, RB Chinnam, F Tseng… - Industrial Informatics, IEEE … - [citation][year=2010]EVOLVING TAKAGI-SUGENO FUZZY SYSTEMS FROM STREAMING DATA (eTSþ) P Angelov - Evolving Intelligent Systems: Methodology and …, 2010 - Wiley Online Library [citation][year=2010]A BCM theory of meta-plasticity for online self-reorganizing fuzzy-associative learning J Tan, C Quek - Neural Networks, IEEE Transactions on, 2010 - [citation][year=2010]A BCM theory of meta-plasticity for online self-reorganizing fuzzy-associative learning J Tan, C Quek - Neural Networks, IEEE Transactions on, 2010 - [citation][year=2010]An industrial strength novelty detection framework for autonomous equipment monitoring and diagnostics DP Filev, RB Chinnam, F Tseng… - … , IEEE Transactions on, 2010 - [citation][year=2009]Online sequential fuzzy extreme learning machine for function approximation and classification problems HJ Rong, GB Huang, N Sundararajan… - Systems, Man, and …, 2009 - [citation][year=2006]Rong, H.-J., Sundararajan, N., Huang, G.-B., Saratchandran, P. 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[citation][year=2013]On-line assurance of interpretability criteria in evolving fuzzy systems–achievements, new concepts and open issues E Lughofer - Information Sciences, 2013 - Elsevier Abstract In this position paper, we are discussing achievements and open issues in the interpretability of evolving fuzzy systems (EFS). In addition to pure on-line complexity reduction approaches, which can be an important direction for increasing the ... [citation][year=2012]Introducing evolving Takagi–Sugeno method based on local least squares support vector machine models M Komijani, C Lucas, BN Araabi, A Kalhor - Evolving Systems, 2012 - Springer Abstract In this study, an efficient local online identification method based on the evolving Takagi–Sugeno least square support vector machine (eTS-LS-SVM) for nonlinear time series prediction is introduced. As an innovation, this paper has applied the nonlinear ... [citation][year=2011]LIVRO] Evolving fuzzy systems-methodologies, advanced concepts and applications E Lughofer - 2011 - Springer In today's industrial systems, economic markets, life and health-care sciences fuzzy systems play an important role in many application scenarios such as system identification, fault detection and diagnosis, quality control, instrumentation and control, decision support .. [citation][year=2011]Human-inspired evolving machines—the next generation of evolving intelligent systems E Lughofer - IEEE SMC newsletter, 2011 - Abstract: In today's real-world applications, there is an increasing need to integrate new information and knowledge into model-building processes to account for changing system dynamics, new operating conditions or environmental influences. 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[citation][year=2007]Optimization of the Fuzzy Partition of a Zero-order Takagi-Sugeno Model F Fernández, A Duarte, Á Sánchez - [citation][year=2007]Compresión de imágenes basada en la optimización metaheurística de un sistema Takagi-Sugeno ÿ Sánchez, F Fernández, A Duarte - Resumen"Este trabajo presenta un método de compresión con pérdidas aplicado a imágenes 2D. La propuesta se basa en la optimización de las etiquetas de los antecedentes correspondientes a un sistema difuso de tipo Takagi-Sugeno de ... [citation][year=2007]Fuzzy modeling of nonlinear systems using on line clustering methods B Martínez, J Fernández, E Marichal, F Herrera - Cost Oriented Automation, 2007 - [citation][year=2006]Optimization of the Fuzzy Partition of a Zero-order Takagi-Sugeno Model F Fernández, A Duarte… - Proc. Eleventh International …, 2006 -