Automated Vehicles Workshop

June 12th, 2017
Having been at the forefront of research and development in Electric Vehicles (EV) and
Smart Grids, it is noticeable that Portugal does not present the same indicators’ performance in Automated Vehicles (AV) research. Therefore, being one of the top research university in the Country, the Centre for Informatics and Systems of the University of Coimbra (CISUC), with the support of the Delft University of Technol ogy (TU Delf), is organizing a workshop dedicated to this important topic, putting together a program that joins key international and national key-note speakers to spark national interest in AVs. With this event we want to attract the research and entrepreneurial community in the fields of (including but not limited to) Machine Learning, Transport Modelling, Data Analysis and Urban Sensing for a productive discussion of the challenges that lie ahead in which Portugal could play an important role.
Data collected via ubiquitous devices, smart metering and from social media platforms
provide a range of new close-to-real-time information that can be combined with the data
frommore traditional sources to extract the most significant mobility patterns, such as users’ transportation needs, interests, habits, and their interrelated spatial distribution throughout the urban space. One can use these mobility profiles to simulate the process of an AV pooling system. An AV is one capable of imitating human capacities of handling and control, of perceiving the environment around it and acting accordingly. It is equipped with advanced control systems that interpret a large amount of information to identify the appropriate route as well as obstacles and relevant signalling. In the end, we aim at providing a set of AV pooling solutions that fit the current users’ demand for transportation and, moreover, is able to enrich their mobility experience.
The morning will be dedicated to the theme of Autonomous Vehicles. In the afternoon we
will present and discuss the progress of the FCT’ funded project URBY.SENSE.
The workshop will have the presence of key international speakers, researchers and OEM manufactures’ representatives. We would like to invite you to share your ideas, experience and research interests in the areas, effectively helping to spark the interest in AVs and Urban Sensing in Portugal.
Please register at: http://wav2017.dei.uc.pt