
Ongoing Projects
National Projects
- UMove - Understanding User’s Needs, Preferences and Social Interactions for the Design of Future Mobility Services
- AESOP - Autonomic Service Operation
- Literacia para a Democracia/Literacy for Democracy
- Monitorização não-invasiva da carga aplicada à gestão inteligente de energia em residências -(SAICT-ALG/39578/2018)
- FireLoc - Where’s the Fire? - Identification, positioning and monitoring forest fires with crowdsourced data
- BINDER - Improving Bio-inspired Deep Learning for Radiomics
- GADgET - Online Gambling Addiction Detection
- ACCELERATION - Automatic Artificial Neural Networks for Gamma-Ray Detection
- AIA: Agente Inteligente para Atendimento no Balcão do Empreendedor
- METRICS: Monitoring and Measuring the Trustworthiness of Critical Cloud Systems
- App Sentinel - Cloud-based Anti Malware Technology for Android App Stores
- lookAfterRisk - Dynamic risk assessment using home-mobile technologies for the management of myocardial infarction patients
- D4 - Deep Drug Discovery and Deployment (PI: Bernardete Ribeiro; co-PI: Joel P. Arrais)
- MitoScreening: Development and Validation of Innovative Screening Methods for Mitochondrial Health Modulators
- RDForming - Robust Design of Sheet Metal Forming Processes to Reduce Productivity Losses
- 5G - Components and Services for 5G Networks (5G - Componentes e Serviços para Redes 5G)
- Multimedia Modules for Cupertino Miranda's Foundation
- ExoBike - Biomechanical Equipment for Restorative Therapy and Rehabilitation
- BlueEyes - HCI e Beacons: tornar o invisível visível
- MomentumZai
- SUSpENsE - Sustainable built Environment under Natural Hazards and Extreme Events
- SAFEFORMING- Sistema inteligente de prevenção de defeitos em componentes estampados a frio
- MobiWise: from mobile sensing to mobility advising
- DenseNet: Efficient Communication in Dense Networks
- GreenSoftwareLab: Towards an Engineering Discipline for Green Software
- INSIGHTZAI - Machine Learning Modeling for Powerful Insights
- DataScience4NP: Data Science for Non-Programmers
- SWING2 - Securing Wireless Networks with Coding and Jamming
- Early-stage cancer treatment, driven by context of molecular imaging (ESTIMA)
- Early-stage cancer treatment, driven by context of molecular imaging (ESTIMA)
- Letters For Life
International Projects
- H2020 - KYKLOS 4.0: An Advanced Circular and Agile Manufacturing Ecosystem based on rapid reconfigurable manufacturing process and individualized consumer preferences
- InnoCore - Core Technologies for Education and Innovation in Life Sciences
- WELMO: Wearable Electronics for Effective Lung Monitoring
- AI4EU - A European AI On Demand Platform and Ecosystem
- ADVANCE - Addressing Verification and Validation Challenges in Future Cyber-Physical Systems
- HiEdTech - Modernisation of Higher Education in Central Asia Through New Technologies
- MOCO-SEARCH - Bridging the gap between exact methods and heuristics for multi-objective search
- FrailCheck: Diseño y desarrollo de un sistema de detección y análisis de la actividad física y pautas de comportamiento para ayuda al diagnóstico de la fragiliad
- BASE - Biofeedback Augmented Software Engineering
- H2020-REMAP – Real-time Condition-based Maintenance for Adaptive Aircraft Maintenance Planning
- PoSeID-on, EU H2020 IA – Protection and control of Secured Information by means of a privacy enhanced Dashboard
- NanoSen-AQM - Development and field validation of a low-cost nano-sensor system for real-time monitoring of ambient air quality (PI: Bernardete Ribeiro; co-PI: Alberto Cardoso)
- ATMOSPHERE Adaptive, Trustworthy, Manageable, Orchestrated, Secure, Privacy-assuring, Hybrid Ecosystem for REsilient Cloud Computing
- ATMOSPHERE: Adaptive, Trustworthy, Manageable, Orchestrated, Secure, Privacy-assuring, Hybrid Ecosystem for REsilient Cloud Computing.
- TKCOM-Building up Chinese Teachers’ Key Competences through a Global Competence-Based Framework
- Focusing Education on Composability, Comprehensibility and Correctness of Working Software
- ALIOT: Internet of Things: Emerging Curriculum for Industry and Human Applications
- iMODA: Red Iberoamericana de Investigación en Modelos de Optimización y Decisión y sus Aplicaciones
- OUTERMOST: Towards Autonomous Large Area Mass Production Sputtering Plants (Ref: EI0310)
- H2020 ATENA (Advanced Tools to assEss and mitigate the criticality of ICT compoNents and their dependencies over Critical InfrAstructures)
- FCT/ CAPES - SORTS: Supporting the Orchestration of Resilient and Trustworthy Fog Services
- Link: Linking Excellence in Biomedical knowledge and Computational Intelligence Research for personalized management of CVD within PHC
- INCISE: Interference and Coding for Wireless Secrecy
- IRES: Practical Physical-Layer Security in Coimbra, Portugal
Past Projects
National Projects
- GeoTimeLine - A system for multi-hazard event reconstruction in Space and Time
- Study and visualization of the mobility in urban spaces
- ExtremeCGI - Monitoring Extreme Events integrating Crowdsourced Geographic Information and Real-time Sensor Data
- MINT – Moment INtelligent deTection
- DEED - Deep Digital
- SOCIALITE - Social-Oriented Internet of Things Architecture, Solutions and Environment. PTDC/EEI-SCR/2072/2014
- URBY.SENSE - Urban mobility analysis and prediction for non-routine scenarios using digital footprints. PTDC/ECM-TRA/6803/2014
- Web infrastructure for CAPC and Ano Zero
- SASSI - Sistema de Apoio à Decisão de Segurança em Sistemas Informáticos (PI: Joel Arrais; co-PI Bernardete Ribeiro)
- U-Academy
- Nubitalk II
- Partilha e divulgação de experimentação online em cursos de engenharia, suportada por redes de sensores e atuadores sem fios e por conteúdos multimédia
- Detecção de Eventos em Tempo Real Através de Padrões comunicacionais
- Holistic SDN - Gestão Federada de Domínios SDN no Operador e PI SDN Orchestrador
- Viagem à Mente
- WINCE -- Wireless INterference and Coding for sEcrecy
- DECAF - An Exploratory Study of Distributed Cloud Application Failures
- V-SIS – Validação de Sistemas Críticos
- InfoCrowds - Social Web Information Retrieval for crowds mobility management
- cardioRisk Personalized Cardiovascular Risk Assessment through Fusion of Current Risk Tools
- Multiflow SDN
- HeartSafe – Assessing Heart Function for Unsupervised Homecare Applications through Multi-Channel Auscultation
- MaSSGP - Improving Semantic Genetic Programming for Maritime Safety, Security and Environmental Protection
- FEED - Free Energy Data
- iCIS - Intelligent Computing in the Internet of Services
- iCIS - Intelligent Computing in the Internet of Services
- Sonae Viz
- Experiment@Portugal'2012
- Computer Aided Beam Angle Optimization in Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy
- Cloud9
- Piloto Adventure
- Visualyzart
- Nubitalk
- Crowds - Understanding urban land use from digital footprints of crowds
- SBIRC - Based Image Retrieval and Classification
- GREAT - Graphical Rules Editing and Auditing Tool
- Adventure
- Eco circuitos
- SUM - Sensing and Understanding human Motion dynamics
- CoFiMoM - Combating Fire with Mobility and Multi-homing
- Experiment@Portugal
- A Modular and Hierarchical Approach to Software Reuse
- MOODetector: A System for Mood-based Classification and Retrieval of Audio Music
- Forms of Selective Attention in Intelligent Transportation Systems
- HPCoLSI Project - High Performance Computing over the Large-Scale Internet
- COSMO - COllaborative System for Mobility Optimization
- EnviGP - Improving Genetic Programming for the Environment and Other Applications
- MOSAL - Multiobjective Sequence Alignment
- S3P II - Security in Triple Play Services (Phase II)
- TICE.MOBILIDADE - Sistemas de Mobilidade Centrado no Utilizador
- WiMAX Pilot
- EDUCA - Ambiente Cooperativo de Gestão de Conteúdos Multimédia
- AEMINIUM - Freeing Programmers from the Shackles of Sequentiality
- PULSE - Inteligência de Negócio em Tempo Real
- 4I (Increasing Integration Interface Intelligence)
- Onto.PT
- TRICE - Teaching, Research and Innovation in Computing Education
- JUSSA - Joining Useful Systems in a Sustainable Architecture
- S3P - Security in 3Play services
- IntelliSpaces
- SoundForLife
- BIOINK- Incremental Kernel Learning for Biological Data Analysis
- CityMotion (MITPortugal Program)
- Evolving Assemblages
- ArthroNav - Computer Assisted Navigation in Orthopedic Surgery using Endoscopic Images
- SDiC: Software Development in Context
- PAPEL - Palavras Associadas Porto Editora Linguateca
- Floresta Sintá(c)tica
- Grid PFound - Distributed Data Warehouse for Protein Folding Experiments
- PRADO - PRocess analysis and Activities DefinitOn
- PEGAC - Sistema de Personalização e Gestão de Aprendizagem e de Competências
- ECA3RL - Sistema de Análise e Detecção de Fraude em Telecomunicações
- SOAM - Sistema de Optimização Automática de Modelos de Dados Multidimensionais
- LifeStream
- Floresta Viva - Learning Game for a Science Museum
- SRS: Semantic Reuse System
- REM - Named Entity Recognition
- ADW - Affordable Data Warehouses
- ADW - Affordable Data Warehouses
- Indoor Location Supported on GSM Signatures
- EJAKI GPS POI platform
- GRID II - Global GRID for Data Mining with Soft Computing on Large Data Bases
- PEGECEL- Personalização e Gestão de Conteúdos eLearning
- SAID - Sistema de Análise Inteligente de Dados
- Health Mining
- CLASSE - Classificação Sintética para Supervisão Industrial (Synthetic Classification for Industrial Supervision)
- Oráculo - Ontology Learning from Dictionaries
- WebBench - Dependability benchmarking for web-servers focusing on availability and security
- AdaptDB: Auto-Adaptability of Database Server for QoS in Heterogeneous Environments
- ADAPT-DWPA: Auto-Adjustable Data Warehousing Parallel Architecture
- Data Warehousing using Open Source Technology: high performance at low infrastructure cost
- TACID - Timely ACID Transactions in DBMS
- CHE: Development of New Evolutionary Computation Approaches for Applications in Theoretical Chemistry
- VAL-COTS-RT - Validation of Real-Time COTS products
- mCrash - Dependability Evaluation of Mobile Devices' System Software
- SchoolSenses@Internet: children as multisensory geographic information creators through the use of information and communication technologies
- PERSONA - Personalização da Aprendizagem em Ambientes E-Learning
- BOLO AI Editor
- AIDNat - Análise Inteligente de Dados para a Natação de Competição
- ReBuilder II - Intelligent Reuse of UML Diagrams
- QoSMAP - Study of QoS Mapping between Intserv and Diffserv Architectures with Dynamic Admission Control
- 6Mnet: SSM Extensions for IPv6 Multicast Networks
- SAPRA - Session-Aware Popularity-based Resource Allocation
- Q3M - QoS Architecture for Mobile Multicast Multimedia Services
- Cormedica File Transfer
- JACTO- Jet-Loop Reactor: A New System for Treatment of Agro-Industrial Effluents
- DWS Data Warehouse Striping
- PAMM - Plataforma de Gestão de Conteúdos MMS com Protecção de Copyrights
- MARTA - Middleware Assistant for Recognition of Textual Commands
- CATCH - Inductive Inference for Large Scale Data Bases Text CATegorization
- OLLICON- On-line learning in Intelligent Control
- Genome Compiler
- ReBuilder - Intelligent Reuse of Software Objects
- M&M - Middleware Components for Mobile Agent Based Network Management
- IPQoS - Study of QoS Mechanisms for IP Routers
- C-BASED: A framework for color-based inspection for industrial applications
- QoS II - Quality of Service in Computer Communication Systems
- MEDIA - MARS Extensions Developed for IPv6 over ATM
- Caracterização da qualidade da madeira (Pinus Pinaster) em diferentes condições de crescimento
- IM-RECIDE - IMaginative-REasoning with Cases Imperfectly DEscribed
International Projects
- STAR - Sustainable learner-centred Teaching - Advanced Resources for Georgia and China
- Open Innovation Tools and IoT Innovation Hub
- FCT/CAPES: Study of the energetic landscapes of atomic clusters by applying novel bio-inspired algorithms
- EUBrasilCloudFORUM: Fostering an International dialogue between Europe & Brazil
- EUBra-BIGSEA: Europe – Brazil Collaboration of BIG Data Scientific Research through Cloud-Centric Applications
- Tractability in multiobjective combinatorial optimization
- RECOUNT -- Routine-based Enhanced COnnectivity UNder user mobiliTy
- ConCreTe
- COST Action IC1402: Runtime Verification beyond Monitoring (ARVI)
- Erasmus+ VET4APPS - Strategic partnership to develop innovative VET open educational resources for mobile apps entrepreneurs
- ThermoResponse-Thermo-responsive ultrasonographic tissue analysis: towards a new imaging modality
- DEVASSES: DEsign, Verification and VAlidation of large-scale, dynamic Service SystEmS
- CABRIOLET – Model-Oriented Approach and Intelligent Knowledge-Based System for Evolvable Academia-Industry Cooperation in Electronic and Computer Engineering
- CIF: SMALL: RUI: Novel Detection Approaches with Comprehensive Hybrid Intelligent Systems for Multimedia Forensics
- The Nebula Project : A novel vocational training program on cloud computing skills
- A Network for Developing Lifelong Learning in Armenia, Georgia and Ukraine (LeAGUe)
- NeReLa - Network of Remote Labs (Tempus Project - 6th Call of Tempus IV)
- WELCOME - Wearable Sensing and Smart Cloud Computing for Integrated Care to COPD Patients with Comorbidities
- ACROSS - Autonomous Control for a Reliable Internet of Services
- Semantic keyword-based search on structured data sources (KEYSTONE)
- KEYSTONE - semantic KEYword-based Search on sTructured data sOurcEs
- ConCreTe - Concept Creation Technology
- Future Education and Training in Computing: How to support learning at anytime anywhere (FETCH)
- COST Action IC1303: AAPELE - Algorithms, Architectures and Platforms for Enhanced Living Environments
- cardioRisk | Personalized Cardiovascular Risk Assessment through Fusion of Current Risk Tools
- Eureka SD - Enhancing University Research and Education in Areas Useful for Sustainable Development
- ProSECCo - Promoting the Scientific Exploration of Computational Creativity
- CECRIS – CErtification of CRItical Systems
- MISSION - Mise en place d’un Service de Système d’Information Opérationnel National
- HeartWays (FP7) - Advanced solution for Supporting Cardiac Patients in Rehabilitation
- HeartWays- Advanced solution for Supporting Cardiac Patients in Rehabilitation
- RepSys - Representation systems with quality guarantees for multi-objective optimization problems
- FP7 CockpitCI: Cybersecurity on SCADA: risk prediction, analysis and reaction tools for Critical Infrastructures
- COST Action TD1105 - Earth Sciences and Environmental Management
- TRUST - Towards Trust in Quality Assurance Systems
- Transcreativa
- Menon@WS - Methodologies for the Development of Non-Vulnerable Web Services
- ADAAS: Assuring Dependability in Architecture-based Adaptive Systems
- TRONE: Trustworthy and Resilient Operations in a Network Environment (CMU-PT/RNQ/0015/2009)
- STEG: Development and Quantitative Evaluation of Steganalysis and Digital Forgery Detection Systems
- AFFIDAVIT - Automating the Proof of Quality Attributes for Large Scale Software Architectures
- COST Action IC0906: WiNeMO - Wireless Networking for Moving Objects
- EDGI - European Desktop Grid Initiative
- CRITICAL Software Technology for an Evolutionary Partnership (CRITICAL STEP)
- Critical-Step - Designing Large-Scale Safety-Critical Systems by using Off-The-Shelf software components
- COST Action IC0806: Intelligent Monitoring, Control and Security of Critical Infrastructure Systems (IntelliCIS)
- Connectedness and Local Search for Multi-objective Combinatorial Optimization
- ICT FP7 GINSENG - Performance Control in Wireless Sensor Networks
- FP7 ICT MICIE - Tool for systemic risk analysis and secure mediation of data ex-changed across linked CI information infrastructure
- Middleware for Wireless Sensor Networks
- New Methods of Data Fusion in Large-Scale Wireless Sensor Networks
- HeartCycle
- EPILEPSIAE- Evolving Platform for Improving Living Expectation of Patients
- RISK - Improving Financial Risk Analysis with Advanced Data-Mining tools
- AMBER - Assessing, Measuring, and Benchmarking Resilience
- EDGeS - Enabling Desktop Grids for e-Science
- EUREKA IBEROAMERICA- Red Iberoamericana de Descubrimiento de Conocimientos
- YouTrace
- BiCEP - Benchmarking Complex Event Processing systems
- REVVIS – Rede de Especialistas em Verificação e Validação de Software
- IST FP6 WEIRD - WiMAX Extension to Isolated Research Data networks (Integrated Project 034622)
- IST FP6 CONTENT Network-of-Excellence
- IST FP6 SSA OpenNet - Open Interconnect for the Internet Community (Specific Support Action 035185)
- CACTUS: Computational Analysis of CT against US
- CLIOHRES-TWG 3 - Religious and Philosophical Concepts
- Dependability Benchmarking for Software Components
- Admitron - ICT in public administration
- IST FP6 IP EuQoS - End-to-end Quality of Service support over heterogeneous networks
- CoreGRID: the European Research Network on Foundations, Software Infrastructures and Applications for Large Scale Distributed, GRID and Peer-to-Peer Technologies
- European Thematic Network on Doctoral Education in Computing
- Intelligent Data Processing for Dependability
- Especializacion virtual en informatica educativa para educadores
- COST Action 290 - Traffic and QoS Management in Wireless Multimedia Networks
- IST FP6 NoE E-NEXT: Emerging Networking Experiments and Technologies
- IST FP6 MyHeart
- GRID I - Intelligent Data Processing in GRID Technology with Applications to Industry and Medicine
- RAIL - Runtime Assembly Instrumentation Library
- HeartBit - A telecardiology platform
- E-NET - Emerging Networking Technologies
- Vital - Distributed vital signal aquisition platform
- COST Action 282 - Working Group on Knowledge Discovery and Management
- COST Action 282 - Working Group on Computational Creativity
- European Computing Education and Training
- DBench - Dependability Benchmarking
- EUNITE - EUropean Network on Intelligent Technologies for Smart Adaptive Systems