EUBra-BIGSEA: Europe – Brazil Collaboration of BIG Data Scientific Research through Cloud-Centric Applications

EUrope-BRAzil Collaboration on BIG Data Scientific REsearch through Cloud-Centric Applications aims at providing services in the cloud for the processing of massive data coming from highly connected societies, which impose multiple challenges on resource provision, performance, Quality of Service and privacy. Processing those data require rapidly provisioned infrastructures customised to Big Data requirements. The three main aims of the project are: - The development of innovative Big Data services for capturing, federating and annotating on the order of PB of data on top of efficient programming models. Despite that MapReduce is a successful model in BigData (with a high impact on massive Geo-spatial and textual data), it has many limitations specially when dealing with real-time transactions or streamed data, the proposal would aim to introduce innovative evolutions on the capture, federation & annotation experience it can bring to the table with its partners. - The Development of advanced cloud services to support Big Data. This cloud services will address three main challenges: a) the advance on SLAs to support privacy (boundaries of protected data to be moved) and performance restrictions (convenience of moving data to computing resources or vice-versa); b) Quality of Service (vertical and horizontal elastic adjustment of resources allocates to meet deadlines and dynamic adjustment of workloads); and c) Business models (price-based dynamic re-scheduling of data searching for the best usage of resources invested). - The demonstration of such services on applications with high social and business impact, addressing main scenarios of high interest for both Europe and Brazil.Researchers
Marco Vieira (coordinator)
Henrique Madeira
Pedro Furtado
Bruno Cabral
Nuno Laranjeiro
Rogério de Lemos
Nuno Antunes
Edmundo Monteiro
Marilia Curado
Henrique Madeira
Pedro Furtado
Bruno Cabral
Nuno Laranjeiro
Rogério de Lemos
Nuno Antunes
Edmundo Monteiro
Marilia Curado
Funded by
European Commission; Brazilian Ministry of Science, Technology, and InnovationPartners
UPV (EU Coordinator; ES), BSC (ES), CMCC (IT), TRUST-IT (UK), UC (PT), Politecnico di Milano (IT), UFMG (Brazilian Coordinator), UFCG (BR), UTFPR (BR), IBM Research (BR), UNICAMP (BR)Total budget
3 000 000,00 €Local budget
213 250,00 €Keywords
Cloud Computing, Security, Big DataStart Date
2016-01-01End Date
2017-12-31Journal Articles
(1 publication)2018
(1 publication)2017
(1 publication)Conference Articles
(2 publications)- Paulo Silva and Edmundo Monteiro and Kencl, L. , "Data Privacy Protection - Concealing Text and Audio with a DNA-inspired Algorithm", in 12th International Conference on Autonomous Infrastructure, Management and Security 2018, 2018
- Alic, A.S. and Almeida, J. and Jr, W.M. and Guedes, D. and Santos, W.d. and Blanquer, I. and Fiore, S. and Kozievitchi, N.P. and Andrade, N. and Braz, T. and Brito, A. and Pires, C.E. and Nuno Antunes and Marco Vieira and Paulo Silva and Ardagna, D. and Fonseca, K. and Lezzi, D. and Elia, D. and Moraes, R. and Basso, T. and Cavassin, W.H. , "GIS and Data: Three applications to enhance Mobility", in GeoInfo 2018, 2018
(2 publications)- Cerveira, F. and Barbosa, R. and Madeira, H. , "Soft Errors Susceptibility of Virtualization Servers", in 22nd IEEE Pacific Rim International Symposium on Dependable Computing (PRDC 2017), 2017
- Cerveira, F. and Barbosa, R. and Madeira, H. , "On the Emulation of Vulnerabilities through Software Fault Injection", in European Dependable Computing Conferece (EDCC), 2017