
Bruno Cabral
Home Page
Software and Systems EngineeringResearch interests
Virtual Machines and Reflexive LanguagesCode Instrumentation
Software Fault Injection
Programming Languages and Concurrent Programming
Business Intelligence and Data Analytics
National Projects
MobiWise: from mobile sensing to mobility advising
5G - Components and Services for 5G Networks (5G - Componentes e Serviços para Redes 5G)
International Projects
ALIOT: Internet of Things: Emerging Curriculum for Industry and Human Applications
ATMOSPHERE Adaptive, Trustworthy, Manageable, Orchestrated, Secure, Privacy-assuring, Hybrid Ecosystem for REsilient Cloud Computing
Past Projects
RAIL - Runtime Assembly Instrumentation Library
AEMINIUM - Freeing Programmers from the Shackles of Sequentiality
iCIS - Intelligent Computing in the Internet of Services
CABRIOLET – Model-Oriented Approach and Intelligent Knowledge-Based System for Evolvable Academia-Industry Cooperation in Electronic and Computer Engineering
FEED - Free Energy Data
EUBra-BIGSEA: Europe – Brazil Collaboration of BIG Data Scientific Research through Cloud-Centric Applications
Journal Articles
(1 publication)- Carvalho, G. and Bruno Cabral and Vasco Pereira and Jorge Bernardino , "Computation offloading in Edge Computing environments using Artificial Intelligence techniques", Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, vol. 95, pp. 103840-103840, 2020 [ DOI ]
(1 publication)2018
(1 publication)- Lourenço, J.R. and Bruno Cabral and Jorge Bernardino , "PreX: A Predictive Model to Prevent Exceptions", Journal of Systems and Software, vol. 137, pp. 652-668, 2018 [ DOI ]
(3 publications)- Alcides Fonseca and Bruno Cabral , "Prototyping a GPGPU neural network for deep-learning big data analysis ", Big Data Research , 2017 [ DOI ]
- Alcides Fonseca and Cerveira, F. and Bruno Cabral and Barbosa, R. , "Language-based expression of reliability and parallelism for low-power computing", IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Computing, 2017 [ DOI ]
- Alcides Fonseca and Bruno Cabral , "Understanding the impact of task granularity in the energy consumption of parallel programs", Sustainable Computing: Informatics and Systems, 2017
(2 publications)- Alcides Fonseca and Bruno Cabral and Correia, I.D.V. and Rafael, J.P.M. , "Automatic Parallelization: Executing Sequential Programs on a Task-Based Parallel Runtime", International Journal of Parallel Programming, 2016 [ DOI ]
- Alcides Fonseca and Bruno Cabral , "Controlling the Granularity of Automatic Parallel Programs", Journal in Computational Science, 2016 [ DOI ]
(2 publications)- Lourenço, J.R. and Bruno Cabral and Carreiro, P. and Marco Vieira and Jorge Bernardino , "Choosing the right NoSQL database for the job: a quality attribute evaluation", Journal of Big Data 2015, vol. 2, 2015 [ DOI ]
- Lourenço, J.R. and Bruno Cabral and Jorge Bernardino and Marco Vieira , "Comparing NoSQL with a Relational Database: Performance and Space", International Journal of Big Data, vol. 2, pp. 1-14, 2015
(1 publication)2007
(1 publication)2004
(1 publication)Conference Articles
(5 publications)- Lourenço, Nuno and Bruno Cabral and Granjal, J , "Driving Profile using Evolutionary Computation", in 2019 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC), 2019 [ DOI ]
- Matalonga, H. and Bruno Cabral and Castor, F. and Couto, M. and Pereira, R. and Sousa, S.M.d. and João Paulo Fernandes , "GreenHub farmer: real-world data for Android energy mining", in Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Mining Software Repositories, MSR 2019, 26-27 May 2019, Montreal, Canada, 2019 [ DOI ]
- Diogo, M. and Bruno Cabral and Jorge Bernardino , "Bench-Dynamo: A Consistency Benchmark for NoSQL Database Systems", in TPCTC 2019 collocated with VLDB 2019, 2019
- Carvalho, G. and Bruno Cabral and Vasco Pereira and Jorge Bernardino , "A Case for Machine Learning in Edge-Oriented Computing to Enhance Mobility as a Service", in 15th International Conference on Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems, DCOSS 2019, Santorini, Greece, May 29-31, 2019. IEEE 2019, 2019 [ DOI ]
- Paz, S. and Bruno Cabral and Jorge Bernardino , "Evaluation of Approximate Query Processing Systems", in 17th LACCEI International Multi-Conference for Engineering, Education, and Technology, 2019 [ DOI ]
(3 publications)- Alcides Fonseca and Lourenço, Nuno and Bruno Cabral , " Evolving Cut-Off Mechanisms and Other Work-Stealing Parameters for Parallel Programs", in Applications of Evolutionary Computation, 2017 [ DOI ]
- Camacho, P. and Bruno Cabral and Jorge Bernardino , "Insider Attacks in a Non-secure Hadoop Environment", in WorldCIST 2017: Recent Advances in Information Systems and Technologies, 2017
- Abramova, V. and Bruno Cabral and Jorge Bernardino , "On the Use of CEP in Safety-critical Systems", in Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Complexity, Future Information Systems and Riskvero, 2017
(5 publications)- Quintela-Pumares, M. and Bruno Cabral and Fernández-Lanvin, D. and Fernández-Álvarez, A. , "Integrating Automatic Backward Error Recovery in Asynchronous Rich Clients", in 38th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2016), Software Engineering in Practice (SEIP) Track (to appear), 2016
- Lopes, C. and Bruno Cabral and Jorge Bernardino , "Personalization using Big Data Analytics Platforms", in 9th International C* Conference on Computer Science and Software Engineering, C3S2E 2016, 2016 [ DOI ]
- Lourenço, J.R. and Bruno Cabral and Jorge Bernardino , "A predictive model for exception handling", in World Conference on Information Systems and Technologies, WorldCIST 2016, 2016 [ DOI ]
- Abramova, V. and Bruno Cabral and Jorge Bernardino , "DNA analysis: Principles and sequencing algorithms", in International Joint Conference on Computational Intelligence, IJCCI 2016, 2016
- Alcides Fonseca and Bruno Cabral , "Evaluation of Runtime Cut-off Approaches for Parallel Programs", in VECPAR 2016 - 12th International Meeting on High Performance Computing for Computational Science, 2016
(4 publications)- Marcelino, M.J.P. and Bruno Cabral and Paquete, L. and Antonio Jose Mendes , "A proficient high level programming program as a way to overcome unemployment among graduates", in 2015 Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE 2015), 2015
- Lourenço, J.R. and Abramova, V. and Marco Vieira and Bruno Cabral and Jorge Bernardino , "NoSQL Databases: A Software Engineering Perspective", in WorldCIST'15, 2015
- Lourenço, J.R. and Abramova, V. and Bruno Cabral and Jorge Bernardino and Carreiro, P. and Marco Vieira , "No SQL in Practice: A Write-Heavy Enterprise Application", in 2015 IEEE International Congress on Big Data (BigData Congress), 2015
- Bruno Cabral and Alcides Fonseca and Marques, P. and Aldrich, J. , "Cooperative Exceptions for Concurrent Objects", in 21st IEEE Pacific Rim International Symposium on Dependable Computing (PRDC 2015), 2015
(2 publications)- Alcides Fonseca and Rafael, J.P.M. and Bruno Cabral , "Eve: A Parallel Event-Driven Programming Language", in Euro-Par 2014: Parallel Processing Workshops, 2014 [ DOI ]
- Rafael, J.P.M. and Correia, I.D.V. and Alcides Fonseca and Bruno Cabral , "Dependency-Based Automatic Parallelization of Java Applications", in Euro-Par 2014: Parallel Processing Workshops, 2014 [ DOI ]
(1 publication)2012
(1 publication)2009
(1 publication)2008
(1 publication)2007
(1 publication)2006
(2 publications)- Bruno Cabral and Marques, P. , "Making Exception Handling Work", in HotDep06, 2006
- Sacramento, P. and Bruno Cabral and Marques, P. , "Unchecked Exceptions: Can the Programmer be Trusted to Document Exceptions?", in International Conference on Innovative Views of .NET Technologies, 2006