SASSI - Sistema de Apoio à Decisão de Segurança em Sistemas Informáticos (PI: Joel Arrais; co-PI Bernardete Ribeiro)


The SASSI project is based on the development of a web platform that centralize, structure and enables the visualization of information regarding the activity of computer networks and virtual machines, allowing the automatic detection of anomalies. The information is gathered using techniques that allows the analysis and record of the activities of an operating system virtualized or directly installed on a physical machine. The analysis will be executed furtively to ensure high immunity against the intrusions attempts used by malicious software or users. Within the scope of this project it is also foreseen the automatic detection of anomalies. The operating systems activity records will be processed with the use of artificial intelligence algorithms to detect zero day exploits , this is, vulnerabilities that are not yet known but are being explored to attack computer systems.


Funded by


Total budget

535 391,00 €

Local budget

103 820,00 €


Pattern Recognition, Intrusion Detection

Start Date


End Date


Conference Articles