iMODA: Red Iberoamericana de Investigación en Modelos de Optimización y Decisión y sus Aplicaciones

iMODA: Red Iberoamericana de Investigación en Modelos de Optimización y Decisión y sus Aplicaciones


The intention of the constitution of iMODA is to work in a group, coordinating R & D lines and taking advantage of infrastructures and equipment, so that high prestige and visibility indexes can be obtained from the individual scientific-academic contributions, and until now isolated and dispersed, of the partners that are integrated into it. The general objective of the iMODA network is to strengthen the mutual scientific knowledge of the participants in order to increase in a tangible way the quantity and excellence of the scientific publications of the members that are integrated in the network, and to promote the celebration of postgraduate activities aimed at to obtain the PhD degree, as an engine of strengthening and sustainability of the network. This objective has different versions depending on the four axes through which the network will operate, namely: research, training, internationalization and communication.


Funded by

Asociación Universitaria Iberoamericana de Postgrado


Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata; Universidad Nacional de Córdoba; Universidad Estatal de Campinas; Universidad Estatal Paulista; Universidad de Tarapacá; Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas; Universidad Tecnológica de la Habana José Anton


Computational Intelligence, Operational Research

Start Date
