SWING2 - Securing Wireless Networks with Coding and Jamming

The main goal of the SWING2 (Securing Wireless Networks with Coding and Jamming) project is to advance the state-of-the art on physical-layer techniques to secure wireless networks under eavesdropper adversaries that aim to overhear unintended information. Although current security solutions to provide confidential communication over a shared wireless medium (e.g. Wi-Fi Protected Access 2) appear to remain robust to known attacks, novel attacks are being developed everyday. Moreover, the life-cycle of cryptography-based protocols is bound to the available computational power and, as the computational power increases, so do the resources available to attackers which ultimately leads to the replacement of current standards by new ones. Physical-layer security is gaining interest as a means to provide an extra layer of security that does not depend on computational intractability of operations, but takes advantage of the inherent varying characteristics of wireless channels. This area sparked an interest on the use of interference for secrecy purposes, by using otherwise silent devices (e.g. due to a time-division channel access mechanism) to cause interference/jam possible eavesdroppers. This brings a set of challenges such as how to cause enough interference without compromising legitimate communication, how to properly select available jammers/interferers, how to reduce the high energy cost of jamming at all times, how to motivate users to cooperate, and so on. The expected outcomes of this project address some of these challenges, in particular we plan to develop (a) advanced jamming schemes combining interference with coding mechanisms and spread spectrum methods for enhanced wireless secrecy at a lower energy-cost, (b) interference alignment to reduce the impact of interference on legitimate communication, (c) cooperation enforcement mechanisms to motive users' cooperation in jamming eavesdroppers, and (d) a prototype of the developed techniques implemented and evaluated in an available software-defined radio test-bed.Researchers
João P. Vilela (coordinator)
Marilia Curado
Thyago Monteiro
Telmo Fernandes
Ricardo Mendes
Adão Silva
Daniel Castanheira
Gustavo Anjos
Saulo Jorge Beltrão de Queiroz
João André Gomes de Sá e Sousa
Marco Gomes
Willie K. Harrison
Mariana Cunha
Marilia Curado
Thyago Monteiro
Telmo Fernandes
Ricardo Mendes
Adão Silva
Daniel Castanheira
Gustavo Anjos
Saulo Jorge Beltrão de Queiroz
João André Gomes de Sá e Sousa
Marco Gomes
Willie K. Harrison
Mariana Cunha
Funded by
FCT - PTDC/EEI-TEL/3684/2014Partners
Instituto de TelecomunicaçõesTotal budget
171 000,00 €Keywords
wireless, securityStart Date
2016-05-01End Date
2019-11-30Journal Articles
(2 publications)- Harrison, W.K. and Gomes, M. and João P. Vilela , "Implications of Coding Layers on Physical-Layer Security: A Secrecy Benefit Approach", Entropy - Special Issue Information-Theoretic Security II, 2019
- Harrison, W.K. and Fernandes, T. and Gomes, M. and João P. Vilela , "Generating a Binary Symmetric Channel for Wiretap Codes", IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, 2019
(4 publications)- Sousa, J.A.G.d.S.e. and João P. Vilela , "Uncoordinated Frequency Hopping for Wireless Secrecy Against Non-degraded Eavesdroppers", IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, 2018
- Anjos, G. and Castanheira, D. and Silva, A. and Gameiro, A. and Gomes, M. and João P. Vilela , "Exploiting the Reciprocal Channel for Discrete Jamming to Secure Wireless Communications against Multiple-Antenna Eavesdropper", IEEE Access, 2018
- Harrison, W.K. and Sarmento, D. and João P. Vilela and Gomes, M. , "Analysis of Short Blocklength Codes for Secrecy", EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, 2018
- Anjos, G. and Castanheira, D. and Silva, A. and Gameiro, A. , " Intrinsic Secrecy of EGT and MRT Precoders for Proper and Improper Modulations ", IEEE Access, 2018
(2 publications)- Ricardo Mendes and João P. Vilela , "Privacy Preserving Data Mining: Methods, Metrics and Applications", IEEE Access, 2017
- Anjos, G. and Castanheira, D. and Silva, A. and Gameiro, A. and Gomes, M. and João P. Vilela , "Joint Design of Massive MIMO Precoder and Security Scheme for Multiuser Scenarios under Reciprocal Channel Conditions", Wiley Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, 2017
Conference Articles
(8 publications)- Searle, H. and Gomes, M. and João P. Vilela and Harrison, W.K. , "Irregular Quadrature Amplitude Modulation for Adaptive Physical-layer Security", in IEEE Global Communications Conference, 2019
- Monteiro, T. and Gomes, M. and João P. Vilela and Harrison, W.K. , "Polar Coding for Physical-layer Security without Knowledge of the Eavesdropper's Channel", in IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference-Spring, 2019
- Dryer, Z. and Nickerl, A. and Gomes, M. and João P. Vilela and Harrison, W.K. , "Full-Duplex Jamming for Enhanced Hidden-Key Secrecy", in IEEE International Conference on Communications, 2019
- Saulo Queiroz and João P. Vilela and Edmundo Monteiro , "What is the Cost of the Index Selector Task for OFDM with Index Modulation?", in Wireless Days, 2019
- Cunha, M. and Ricardo Mendes and João P. Vilela , "Clustering Geo-Indistinguishability for Privacy of Continuous Location Traces", in IEEE International Conference on Computing Communication and Security, 2019
- Anjos, G. and Castanheira, D. and Silva, A. and Gameiro, A. , "Securing Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access Systems Against Simultaneous Eavesdropping Attacks Coming from Inside and Outside of the Network", in IEEE 30th Annual International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), 2019
- Carreira, M. and Monteiro, T. and Gomes, M. and João P. Vilela and Harrison, W.K. , "Adaptive Physical-Layer Security through Punctured Coding for Secrecy", in IEEE International Conference on Communications, 2019
- Anjos, G. and Castanheira, D. and Silva, A. and Gameiro, A. , "Securing Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access Systems Against Simultaneous Eavesdropping Attacks Coming from Inside and Outside of the Network", in International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), 2019
(6 publications)- Rendon, G.T. and Harrison, W.K. and Gomes, M. and João P. Vilela , "Nested QPSK Encoding for Information Theoretic Security", in IEEE International Conference on Communications, 2018
- Martins, C. and Fernandes, T. and Gomes, M. and João P. Vilela , "Testbed Implementation and Evaluation of Interleaved and Scrambled Coding for Physical-Layer Security", in IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference - Spring, 2018
- Ricardo Mendes and João P. Vilela , "On the Effect of Update Frequency on Geo-Indistinguishability of Mobility Traces", in ACM Conference on Security and Privacy in Wireless and Mobile Networks (WiSec), 2018
- Anjos, G. and Castanheira, D. and Silva, A. and Gameiro, A. , "Secrecy Analysis of EGT and MRT Precoders for M -QAM Constellations ", in International Symposium on Wireless Communication Systems (ISWCS), 2018
- Anjos, G. and Castanheira, D. and Silva, A. and Gameiro, A. , "Secrecy Analysis of EGT and MRT Precoders for M -QAM Constellations ", in International Symposium on Wireless Communication Systems (ISWCS), 2018
- Anjos, G. and Castanheira, D. and Silva, A. and Gameiro, A. , "Secrecy Analysis of EGT and MRT Precoders for M-QAM Constellations", in International Symposium on Wireless Communication Systems (ISWCS), 2018
(2 publications)- Anjos, G. and Castanheira, D. and Silva, A. and Gameiro, A. , "Exploiting Reciprocal Channel Estimations for Jamming to Secure Wireless Communications", in Wireless Days 2017, 2017
- Pfister, J. and Gomes, M. and João P. Vilela and Harrison, W.K. , "Quantifying Equivocation for Finite Blocklength Wiretap Codes", in IEEE International Conference on Communications, 2017
(1 publication)MSc Theses
(1 publication)2018
(1 publication)2017
(3 publications)- Martins, C. , "Implementação em Plataformas SDR de Esquemas de Codificação para Segurança na Camada Física Baseados em Códigos Curtos e Técnicas de Interleaving", 2017
- Marques, J. , "Jamming based on Channel Reciprocity for Secrecy in Wireless Communications", 2017
- Lopes, P. , "Hybrid Transmit and Receive Designs for Massive MIMO Millimeter-Wave Heterogeneous Systems", 2017