
João P. Vilela
University of CoimbraDepartment of Informatics Engineering
Polo II - Pinhal de Marrocos
3030-290 Coimbra
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Communications and TelematicsResearch interests
Security and privacy of computer and communication systems, with focus on wireless networks, mobile devices and cloud computing; other interests include anticipatory networks and intelligent transportation systems.Affiliation
- IEEE Communications Society- IEEE Signal Processing Society
-- Technical Committee for Information Forensics and Security
Short Bio
João Vilela is an assistant professor at the Department of Informatics Engineering of the University of Coimbra and a senior researcher at the Laboratory of Communications and Telematics of the Centre for Informatics and Systems of the University of Coimbra. He received his Ph.D. in Computer Science in 2011 from the University of Porto, Portugal. He was visiting the Coding, Communications and Information Theory Group at Georgia Tech, working on physical layer security, and the Network Coding and Reliable Communications Group at MIT, working on security for network coding. In recent years, Dr. Vilela has been coordinator and team member of several national, bilateral, and European-funded projects in security and privacy of computer and communication systems, with focus on wireless networks, mobile devices and cloud computing. Other research interests include anticipatory networks and intelligent transportation systems.
National Projects
SWING2 - Securing Wireless Networks with Coding and Jamming
MobiWise: from mobile sensing to mobility advising
5G - Components and Services for 5G Networks (5G - Componentes e Serviços para Redes 5G)
International Projects
IRES: Practical Physical-Layer Security in Coimbra, Portugal
H2020 ATENA (Advanced Tools to assEss and mitigate the criticality of ICT compoNents and their dependencies over Critical InfrAstructures)
INCISE: Interference and Coding for Wireless Secrecy
FCT/ CAPES - SORTS: Supporting the Orchestration of Resilient and Trustworthy Fog Services
Past Projects
iCIS - Intelligent Computing in the Internet of Services
WINCE -- Wireless INterference and Coding for sEcrecy
RECOUNT -- Routine-based Enhanced COnnectivity UNder user mobiliTy
Journal Articles
(2 publications)- Saulo Queiroz and Silva, W. and João P. Vilela and Edmundo Monteiro , "Maximal Spectral Efficiency of OFDM with Index Modulation under Polynomial Space Complexity", IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, 2020 [ DOI ]
- Saulo Queiroz and João P. Vilela and Edmundo Monteiro , "Optimal Mapper for OFDM with Index Modulation: A Spectro-Computational Analysis", IEEE Access, 2020 [ DOI ]
(2 publications)- Harrison, W.K. and Gomes, M. and João P. Vilela , "Implications of Coding Layers on Physical-Layer Security: A Secrecy Benefit Approach", Entropy - Special Issue Information-Theoretic Security II, 2019
- Harrison, W.K. and Fernandes, T. and Gomes, M. and João P. Vilela , "Generating a Binary Symmetric Channel for Wiretap Codes", IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, 2019
(4 publications)- Sousa, J.A.G.d.S.e. and João P. Vilela , "Uncoordinated Frequency Hopping for Wireless Secrecy Against Non-degraded Eavesdroppers", IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, 2018 [ DOI ]
- Dalmazo, B.L. and João P. Vilela and Marilia Curado , "Triple-Similarity Mechanism for alarm management in the cloud", Elsevier Computers & Security, vol. 78, pp. 33-42, 2018 [ DOI ]
- Anjos, G. and Castanheira, D. and Silva, A. and Gameiro, A. and Gomes, M. and João P. Vilela , "Exploiting the Reciprocal Channel for Discrete Jamming to Secure Wireless Communications against Multiple-Antenna Eavesdropper", IEEE Access, 2018
- Harrison, W.K. and Sarmento, D. and João P. Vilela and Gomes, M. , "Analysis of Short Blocklength Codes for Secrecy", EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, 2018
(3 publications)- Dalmazo, B.L. and João P. Vilela and Marilia Curado , "Performance Analysis of Network Traffic Predictors in the Cloud", Springer cJournal of Network and Systems Management, vol. 25, pp. 290-320, 2017 [ DOI ]
- Ricardo Mendes and João P. Vilela , "Privacy Preserving Data Mining: Methods, Metrics and Applications", IEEE Access, 2017 [ DOI ]
- Anjos, G. and Castanheira, D. and Silva, A. and Gameiro, A. and Gomes, M. and João P. Vilela , "Joint Design of Massive MIMO Precoder and Security Scheme for Multiuser Scenarios under Reciprocal Channel Conditions", Wiley Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, 2017 [ DOI ]
(2 publications)- João P. Vilela and Gomes, M. and Harrison, W.K. and Sarmento, D. and Dias, F. , "Interleaved Concatenated Coding for Secrecy in the Finite Blocklength Regime", IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 2016 [ DOI ]
- Dalmazo, B.L. and João P. Vilela and Marilia Curado , "Online traffic prediction in the cloud", International Journal of Network Management, vol. 26, pp. 269-285, 2016 [ DOI ]
Conference Articles
(6 publications)- Searle, H. and Gomes, M. and João P. Vilela and Harrison, W.K. , "Irregular Quadrature Amplitude Modulation for Adaptive Physical-layer Security", in IEEE Global Communications Conference, 2019
- Monteiro, T. and Gomes, M. and João P. Vilela and Harrison, W.K. , "Polar Coding for Physical-layer Security without Knowledge of the Eavesdropper's Channel", in IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference-Spring, 2019
- Dryer, Z. and Nickerl, A. and Gomes, M. and João P. Vilela and Harrison, W.K. , "Full-Duplex Jamming for Enhanced Hidden-Key Secrecy", in IEEE International Conference on Communications, 2019
- Saulo Queiroz and João P. Vilela and Edmundo Monteiro , "What is the Cost of the Index Selector Task for OFDM with Index Modulation?", in Wireless Days, 2019
- Cunha, M. and Ricardo Mendes and João P. Vilela , "Clustering Geo-Indistinguishability for Privacy of Continuous Location Traces", in IEEE International Conference on Computing Communication and Security, 2019
- Carreira, M. and Monteiro, T. and Gomes, M. and João P. Vilela and Harrison, W.K. , "Adaptive Physical-Layer Security through Punctured Coding for Secrecy", in IEEE International Conference on Communications, 2019
(3 publications)- Rendon, G.T. and Harrison, W.K. and Gomes, M. and João P. Vilela , "Nested QPSK Encoding for Information Theoretic Security", in IEEE International Conference on Communications, 2018
- Martins, C. and Fernandes, T. and Gomes, M. and João P. Vilela , "Testbed Implementation and Evaluation of Interleaved and Scrambled Coding for Physical-Layer Security", in IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference - Spring, 2018
- Ricardo Mendes and João P. Vilela , "On the Effect of Update Frequency on Geo-Indistinguishability of Mobility Traces", in ACM Conference on Security and Privacy in Wireless and Mobile Networks (WiSec), 2018
(2 publications)- Pfister, J. and Gomes, M. and João P. Vilela and Harrison, W.K. , "Quantifying Equivocation for Finite Blocklength Wiretap Codes", in IEEE International Conference on Communications, 2017
- Dalmazo, B.L. and João P. Vilela and Marilia Curado , "Security and Trustworthiness in Cloud Computing [Poster]", in Meeting with Science and Technology in Portugal, 2017
(3 publications)- Aygun, B. and Boban, M. and João P. Vilela and Wyglinski, A. , "Geometry-Based Propagation Modeling and Simulation of Vehicle-to-Infrastructure Links", in IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference: VTC2016-Spring, 2016
- Dalmazo, B.L. and João P. Vilela and Simões, P. and Marilia Curado , "Expedite feature extraction for enhanced cloud anomaly detection", in NOMS 2016 - 2016 IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium, 2016 [ DOI ]
- Saulo Queiroz and João P. Vilela and Hexsel, R. , "Breaking Through the Full-Duplex Wi-Fi Capacity Gain", in 7th International Conference on the Network of the Future, 2016
(4 publications)- Sousa, J.A.G.d.S.e. and João P. Vilela , "Uncoordinated Frequency Hopping for Secrecy with Broadband Jammers and Eavesdroppers", in IEEE International Conference on Communications, 2015 [ DOI ]
- João P. Vilela and Sousa, J.A.G.d.S.e. , "Physical-layer Security Against Non-degraded Eavesdroppers", in IEEE Global Communications Conference, 2015 [ DOI ]
- Sarmento, D. and João P. Vilela and Harrison, W.K. and Gomes, M. , "Interleaved Coding for Secrecy with a Hidden Key", in IEEE Globecom Workshop on Trusted Communications with Physical Layer Security, 2015
- Dalmazo, B.L. and João P. Vilela and Marilia Curado , "A SVM Model based on Network Traffic Prediction for Detecting Anomalies", in 21th edition of the Portuguese Conference on Pattern Recognition, 2015
(2 publications)- Dalmazo, B.L. and João P. Vilela and Marilia Curado , "Online Traffic Prediction in the Cloud: A Dynamic Window Approach", in The 2nd International Conference on Future Internet of Things and Cloud (FiCloud-2014), 2014 [ DOI ]
- Sousa, J.A.G.d.S.e. and João P. Vilela , "A Characterization of Uncoordinated Frequency Hopping for Wireless Secrecy", in IEEE/IFIP Wireless and Mobile Networking Conference, 2014 [ DOI ]
(2 publications)- João P. Vilela and Barros, J. , "Collision-free Jamming for Enhanced Wireless Secrecy", in IEEE WoWMoM Fourth International Workshop on Data Security and Privacy in Wireless Networks (D-SPAN), 2013
- Dalmazo, B.L. and João P. Vilela and Marilia Curado , "Predicting Traffic in the Cloud: A Statistical Approach", in IEEE International Conference on Cloud and Green Computing 2013, 2013 [ DOI ]