Monitorização não-invasiva da carga aplicada à gestão inteligente de energia em residências -(SAICT-ALG/39578/2018)


Summary The main objective of the project Non-Invasive Load Monitoring for Intelligent Home Energy Management -NILMforIHEM - is to improve the performance of Home Energy Management using improved Non-Invasive Load Monitoring methods, Model-Based Predictive Control algorithms employing improved forecast algorithms, and state of the art Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning control systems. This improvement in performance will be verified in simulations, and in a real household in the region of Algarve. Different combinations of household control will be looked at, considering for every one of them, dynamic energy pricing: a) appliance scheduling, use of renewable (PV) energy, and/or considering the b) existence, or not c) of electricity storage.


Funded by

Fundação para Ciência e Tecnologia


Universidade do Algarve

Total budget

240,00 €


Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring, Home Energy Management Systems, Ambient Assisted Living, Machine Learning

Start Date


End Date
