CFIC 2013 * May 15-16 Coimbra, Portugal

CFIC 2013 - The Conference on Future Internet Communications
Communications in the Future Internet are being designed towards a seamless integration of objects, people and information. The traditional separation of wired and wireless architectures is disappearing as new communication and information sharing paradigms emerge. In this context, the research community is interacting in a closer way with decision makers, public sector entities and industry. The Conference on Future Internet Communications, CFIC Coimbra 2013, will address the challenges of these new paradigms and environments, promoting the dissemination of research results and interaction among the different stakeholders. CFIC Coimbra 2013 solicits submission of papers describing significant and innovative research contributions to the field of computer and data communication networks. The following areas are of interest to CFIC Coimbra 2013:
• Mobile cloud computing
• Energy efficiency
• Information centric networking
• Social networking
• Network design, control and performance
• Wireless networking for moving objects
• Machine-to-machine communications
• Cognitive networking
• Future Internet experiments
• Future Internet applications and services
Contact: cfic2013-chairs@edas.info