DEI/CISUC Seminars

May 30, Wednesday,
13h (sharp),
Room A.5.4. DEI-FCTUC
Invited Speaker: Aldina Piedade
Title: "Modelling Mobility Disruption Due to Natural and Manmade Hazards. An Agent-based Approach"
Abstract: Mobility infrastructures are essential in modern life for the quality of living in urban areas. Our societies need to adapt quickly to the incensement of natural hazards, as climate change related events, and earthquakes, but also manmade episodes as terrorism or human originated malfunctions. This adaptation can be demanding in terms of reaction by the affected populations, due to serious disruption to the infrastructure and can have catastrophic impacts on communities. A novel and innovative approach that is gaining increased attention for emergency response is Agent-based Simulation methods (ABS). ABS has been applied to wide range of research areas, including mobility in urban areas and became a powerful approach to capture emergent phenomena, better understand the behaviour of a system and the human reactions and actions on face of catastrophic scenarios, In case of transportation system disruption ABS is a well-suited approach to integrate behaviour of a single agent and/or multi-agents with an emphasis on modelling the complex behaviour of human beings under stress.
Short-bio: Aldina is graduated in Geography, specialization in Physical Geography and Territorial Planning from University of Lisbon (Portugal), 2006. In 2009, she completed her MSc in Territorial Management, specialization in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Remote Sensing, New University of Lisbon (Portugal). In 2012 she started her PhD in Earth Sciences sponsored by FCT-Portugal at Cardiff University (Wales, UK), which finished in 2016. In October 2016, she joined University of Coimbra. Aldina has been working in natural hazards focusing her topics in onshore and offshore slope instabilies processs.