DEI/CISUC Seminars

July 11, Wednesday,
13h (sharp),
Room A.5.4. DEI-FCTUC
Invited Speaker: Joana Costa
Title: "Information Extraction from Crowds in Dynamic Environments"
Abstract: Today's society is based on information sharing. Mobile phones, tablets, watches, and even common household devices are acquiring, sending, and receiving data much faster than we would imagine possible a few years ago. However, as we are producing more data, we are becoming less aware of reliable information. Social networks are paradigmatic to this scenario. Highly accepted by most Internet users, they became a potential source of information. Users can also contribute with their skills to problem solving, which is the idea in which crowdsourcing lays its foundation. This talk will give an overview of the use of crowdsourcing in classification problems, along with the presentation of the contributions done regarding information extraction in social networks, focusing on adaptive learning solutions in dynamic environments.
Short-bio: Joana Costa is an Assistant Professor at the School of Technology and Management the of the Polytechnic Institute of Leiria, and a researcher at the Adaptive Computation (AC) Group of the Centre for Informatics and Systems of the University of Coimbra (CISUC). She has recently concluded her PhD, and her main research interests include text classification, particularly regarding information extraction in social networks, adaptive learning in dynamic environments and classification strategies using crowdsourcing and active learning.