FP7 Session

With a set of new FP7 Calls bound to open, the Department of Informatics Engineering and CISUC are going to organize a focus group next June 27th. All researchers are invited.
As you all know, several “Calls" for research projects under the FP7 program will open soon.
In this sense the Department of Informatics Engineering and CISUC are organizing an open session for discussion of ideas, synergy, partners, etc.., which will take place on June 27 at 14.15 @ DEI.
The session will focus on aspects of research related to the problem of SmartCities (ICT, mobility, energy efficiency, sustainability, governance, e-health) that has been treated under the initiative SmartCoimbra involving the UC and CMC and where several CISUC researchers have been involved.
The session will begin with a presentation by Ana Almeida from CISUC research group CMS, on the various hypotheses of funding to open and will be followed by an open discussion of project ideas, partnerships, etc…
Everyone is invited to participate! The topic of Smart Cities is transversal and touches virtually all of CISUC’s research groups, so this can be an excellent opportunity to identify synergies between the various researchers / CISUC groups.