ICIS Summer Workshop 2014

June 24-25, 2014
Department of Informatics Engineering
University of Coimbra
Amphitheatre B1
The June 2014 iCIS workshop is an exciting opportunity to get in contact with, analyze, and discuss exciting research topics and directions currently being addressed in the scope of the project. The workshop will comprise one full day of invited speakers presentations plus one day of presentations and discussion of iCIS research activities by PhD students, post-docs and senior researchers.
June 24th, 2014
8:45 – 9:15 – Registration
9:15 – 9:30 – Opening Remarks
9:30 – 10:45 - Session 1 - Internet of Things
Invited speaker: Prof. Torsten Braun*, University of Bern, Switzerland
Session chair: Edmundo Monteiro (iCIS WP1 leader)
* Motivation / Introduction
* Web Services for IoT
* Constrained Application Protocol (CoAP)
* TCP/IP for IoT devices
* Energy-efficient Medium Access Control for IoT devices
10:45 – 11:15 – Coffee break
11:15 – 12:30 – Session 2 – Future Internet
Invited speaker: Prof. Torsten Braun*, University of Bern, Switzerland
Session chair: Edmundo Monteiro (iCIS WP1 leader)
* Software-Defined Networks
* Network Function Virtualization
* Information-Centric Networking
12:30 – 14:00 – Lunch
14:00 – 15:15 – Session 3 (part 1) - eHealth, personalized and translational medicine driven preventive/interventional health services
Invited speaker: Prof. Nicos Maglaveras **, Aristotle University, Greece
Session chair: Jorge Henriques (iCIS WP2 leader)
* User profiles in young healthy people related with nutritional behavior
* Identifying technological and organizational gaps in eHealth and (bio)medical informatics
* New trends in the treatment planning, prediction and adherence of multi-morbid patients having COPD, CHF, diabetes and stress.
* The structural and application effects in the regional coordinated care and telehealth ecosystem from eHealth and telemonitoring
15:15 – 15:45 – Coffee break
15:45 – 17:00 – Session 3 (part 2) - eHealth, personalized and translational medicine driven preventive/interventional health services
Invited speaker: Prof. Nicos Maglaveras **, Aristotle University, Greece
Session chair: Jorge Henriques (iCIS WP2 leader)
June 25th, 2014
10:0 – 12:00 - Session 4 – iCIS WP2 topics and research directions
Session chair: Jorge Henriques (iCIS WP2 leader) Presentations and discussion.
12:00 – 14:00 – Lunch
14:00 – 16:00 - Session 5 – iCIS WP1 topics and research directions
Session chair: Edmundo Monteiro (iCIS WP1 leader) Presentations and discussion.
16:00 – Closing remarks
For more information visit the iCIS project website at http://icis.uc.pt/
Confirm your registration via e-mail to: avila(at)dei.uc.pt