iCIS Summer School 2015

23 - 26 June
Department of Informatics Engineering - Polo II
The iCIS Summer School 2015 is an exciting opportunity to get in contact with, analyze, and discuss exciting research topics and directions currently being addressed in the scope of the project. The summer school is dedicated to the general theme of Internet of Things, Cyber-Physical Systems, and Platforms for Connected Smart Objects, and will take place in the Department of Informatics Engineering of the University of Coimbra (http://www.uc.pt/fctuc/dei/contactos) and is scheduled for the 23rd through 26th of June 2015, and will comprise three full days of invited courses plus one day of projects, spin-off companies, and SME presentations. Registration is free of charge for iCIS researchers, PhD students and post-docs but, as there is a limit to the number of participants, it is mandatory to register. For registration send an e-mail message to avila@dei.uc.pt no later than June 9th, 2015.
Full Program HERE