Invited Talk - "Towards an Online Social Debating System"

Invited Speaker - Prof. João Leite
Associate Professor at the Computer Science
Department of the Universidade NOVA de Lisboa
Wednesday - 07th October
Amphitheatre B.1 - 15h
After the initial boom of the Web 2.0, many people are growing unsatisfied with the depth (or lack thereof) of interactions on social websites. In this paper we discuss some features required by an online debating system aimed at a wide social participation, and present Social Abstract Argumentation, a framework rooted in Dung's Abstract Argumentation that can serve as the underlying backbone of such an online debating tool.
João Leite is Associate Professor at the Computer Science Department of the Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, and member of the NOVA Laboratory for Computer Science and Informatics (NOVA LINCS).
His research is centred in the area of Artificial Intelligence, with main focus on Knowledge Representation and Reasoning. He has authored one book, edited several books and journal special issues, co-authored more than 100 papers, and presented more than 10 courses and tutorials in Conferences and Summer Schools. He was Conference Chair of JELIA-2004, Program Committee Co-Chair of JELIA-2014, and Co-Chair of several editions of the CLIMA, LADS and DALT workshops.
More information is available at http://centria.di.fct.unl.pt/~jleite/