IKC 2015 - 1st International KEYSTONE Conference

Coimbra Portugal
8-9 September 2015
"KEYSTONE - semantic keyword-based search on structured data sources" is a COST Action aiming to make it straightforward to search through structured data sources like databases using the keyword-based search familiar to many internet users. The scientific objective of KEYSTONE is to analyse, design, develop and evaluate techniques to enable keyword-based search over large amounts of structured data.
The first International KEYSTONE Conference is an important place where academic and industrial researchers can meet, disseminate scientific results, share new research issues, start joint research activities. The goals of IKC 2015 are larger than those of traditional academic conferences. For this reason we will combine the usual presentation sessions (to achieve the state of the art and disseminate new outcomes) with brainstorming sessionsb (promoting the discussion, inter/intra domain cross fertilization and enabling new joint research activities among the partners).