Postdoctoral research positions – CALL CLOSED

Project iCIS - Intelligent Computing in the Internet of Services
University of Coimbra - Portugal
Applications are now closed for the position of Senior Researcher, within the project iCIS – Intelligent Computing in the Internet of Services, supported by the +Centro Programme of the CCDRC - Comissão de Coordenação e Desenvolvimento Regional do Centro. Candidates must have preferably some post-doctoral experience in one or more of the following areas:
Future Networks
. Cloud Computing, Internet of Services and Advanced S/W Engineering
. Internet of Things
. Trustworthy ICT
. Networked Media
. Intelligent algorithms for disease diagnosis and prediction
. Knowledge extraction for clinical data interpretation and decision support
. Intelligent algorithms for planning and management of mobility
. Intelligent methods for accessibility and extraction of internet information
. Extraction of knowledge from high volumes of data produced dynamically
For each of the above-listed areas there is one post-doc position at one of the following research institutions of the Faculty of Science and Technology of the University of Coimbra under the iCIS project: DEI - Department of Informatics Engineering, DEEC - Department of Electrotechnical Engineering and Computers, CISUC – Center for Informatics and Systems of the University of Coimbra, INESC-Coimbra – Instituto de Engenharia em Sistemas e Computadores de Coimbra.
The Centre for Informatics and Systems of the University of Coimbra (CISUC) is a large Portuguese research centre in the fields of Informatics Computer Science and Communications, which was created in 1991 under the Program Science. CISUC aims at carrying out original R&D at a pre-competitive level, training highly qualified young researchers, co-operating in national and international projects and programs, and promoting the dissemination of results by means of contracts with different companies. To get more information on the Centre visit the website www.cisuc.uc.pt. The main intervention areas of CISUC are:
- Cognitive and Media Systems
- Adaptive Computation
- Software and Systems Engineering
- Communications and Telematics
- Information Systems
Evolutionary and Complex Systems
INESC Coimbra is a non-profit R&D institute, affiliated with the University of Coimbra (UC). It integrates about 90 researchers, 60 of them holding a PhD degree, from three departments of the Faculty of Sciences and Technology (Electrical Engineering and Computers, Civil, and Mathematics) and the Faculty of Economics (UC), and the Polytechnic Institutes of Leiria, Coimbra, Viseu and Setúbal, among other high-education schools. The main intervention areas of INESC Coimbra are:
- Decision support systems and methodologies
- Teletraffic engineering and telecommunication networks planning
- Regional and urban planning
- Rational use of energy and energy planning
Computational mechanics applied to structural systems
The University of Coimbra has over 20000 students, both undergraduate and postgraduate. It's international prestige is the result of a set of multiple factors, which includes the cosmopolitan character of its academy (with over 70 nationalities). The University of Coimbra develops high added-value research activities in more than 70 research centers in partnership with over one thousand national and international organizations. The University of Coimbra and its research centers are a Portuguese and international reference in the production of science, in many fields.