Seminar - Resource Allocation For Fog Computing

Monday, September 25 – 14h30
DEI Building (Polo II) - Room A5
Title: Resource Allocation For Fog Computing
Invited Speaker: Luiz F. Bittencourt - Associate Professor at the University of Campinas (UNICAMP), Brazil
While Cloud computing relies on centralized data centres, Fog computing seeks to spread computing power closer to the end user. The aim of the Fog is to create a computational infrastructure able to promote reduced latencies for applications as well as data aggregation/processing capabilities, also helping to reduce data traffic to the cloud. This talk will present the concept of Fog computing and discuss challenges that arise when such an infrastructure is deployed, especially in relation to mobility and resource allocation.
Short bio:
Luiz F. Bittencourt is an Associate Professor at the University of Campinas (UNICAMP), Brazil. He received his Bachelor's degree in Computer Science from the Federal University of Parana, Brazil, and received his Masters and PhD degrees from UNICAMP. He has been awarded with the IEEE Communications Society Latin America Young Professional Award 2013. He has been a visiting researcher in the University of Manchester, UK, Cardiff University, UK, and Rutgers University, USA. Luiz acts in the organization of several events in the cloud computing and edge computing subjects, and in several technical program committees (e.g. CCGrid 2014-2017, UCC 2016-2017, Euro-Par 2016-2017). He is associate editor for Elsevier's Computers and Electrical Engineering journal and for the International Journal of Grid and Utility Computing. His main research interests are in the area of resource management and scheduling in cloud and fog computing.