Javier Cubo
Conference Articles
(1 publication) 2007
(3 publications) - Javier Cámara and Canal, C. and Cubo, J. and Murillo, J.M. , "Enabling Adaptivity in User Interfaces", in 1st European Conference on Software Architectures (ECSA 2007), 2007
- Cubo, J. and Salaün, G. and Javier Cámara and Canal, C. and Pimentel, E. , "Context-Based Adaptation of Component Behavioural Interfaces", in 9th International Conference on Coordination Languages and Models (Coordination 2007), 2007
- Brogi, A. and Javier Cámara and Canal, C. and Cubo, J. and Pimentel, E. , "Dynamic Contextual Adaptation", in Fifth International Workshop on the Foundations of Coordination Languages and Software Architectures (FOCLASA 2006) , 2007
(4 publications) - Javier Cámara and Canal, C. and Cubo, J. and Murillo, J.M. , "An Aspect-Oriented Adaptation Framework for Dynamic Component Evolution", in Workshop on Reflection, AOP, and Meta-Data for Software Evolution (ECOOP RAM-SE 2006), 2006
- Javier Cámara and Canal, C. and Cubo, J. and Pimentel, E. , "Dynamic Adaptation Using Contextual Environments", in Third International Workshop on Coordination and Adaptation Techniques for Software Entibies (WCAT'06), 2006
- Javier Cámara and Canal, C. and Cubo, J. and Vallecillo, A. , "Formalizing WSBPEL Business Processes using Process Algebra", in 4th International Workshop on the Foundations of Coordination Languages and Software Architectures (FOCLASA 2005) , 2006
- Javier Cámara and Canal, C. and Cubo, J. and Murillo, J.M. , "AOP and Dynamic Component Adaptation", in Iberian Workshop on Aspect Oriented Software Development (DSOA'06), 2006
(1 publication)