
Rahul Sharma
Home Page
Cognitive and Media SystemsPast Projects
ConCreTe - Concept Creation Technology
SOCIALITE - Social-Oriented Internet of Things Architecture, Solutions and Environment. PTDC/EEI-SCR/2072/2014
Journal Articles
(2 publications)- Rahul Sharma and Ribeiro, B. and A. M. Pinto and Amilcar Cardoso , "Exploring Geometric Feature Hyper-Space in Data to Learn Representations of Abstract Concepts", Applied Sciences, vol. 10, pp. 1-24, 2020 [ DOI ]
- Rahul Sharma and Ribeiro, B. and A. M. Pinto and Amilcar Cardoso , "Learning non-convex abstract concepts with regulated activation networks", Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence, 2020 [ DOI ]
(1 publication)Conference Articles
(1 publication)2018
(4 publications)- Rahul Sharma and Ribeiro, B. and A. M. Pinto and Amilcar Cardoso , "Modeling Abstract Concepts For Internet of Everything: A Cognitive Artificial System", in 13th APCA International Conference on Control and Soft Computing (CONTROLO 2018), 2018 [ DOI ]
- Rahul Sharma and Ribeiro, B. and A. M. Pinto and Amilcar Cardoso , "Perceiving Abstract Concepts Via Evolving Computational Cognitive Modeling", in IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence (IEEE WCCI), 2018 [ DOI ]
- Rahul Sharma and Ribeiro, B. and A. M. Pinto and Amilcar Cardoso and Duarte Raposo and Ngombo Armando and Rodrigues, A. and Jorge Sá Silva and Gonçalo Oliveira, H, and Macedo, L. and Boavida, F. , "Unveiling Markers of Stress Via Smartphone Usage", in Pattern Recognition (RecPad), 2018
- Rahul Sharma and Ribeiro, B. and A. M. Pinto and Amilcar Cardoso , "Identifying Psychological Bio-markers Computationally with Regulated Activation Networks", in Encontro Ciência '18 (Poster), 2018
(1 publication)2016
(1 publication)- A. M. Pinto and Rahul Sharma , "Concept Learning, Recall, and Blending with Regulated Activation Networks", in International Conference on Cognitive Modeling (ICCM) 2016, 2016 [ DOI ]
(1 publication)2013
(1 publication)Tech Report
(1 publication)- Rahul Sharma and Ribeiro, B. and A. M. Pinto and Amilcar Cardoso and Duarte Raposo and Marcelo, . and Rodrigues, A. and Jorge Sá Silva and Boavida, F. , "Computational concept modeling for student centric lifestyle analysis: A technical report on socialite case study", 2017 [ DOI ]