Fire Modeling using Dynamic Structure Cellular Automata



III International Conference on Forest Fire Research, January 1998

Cited by

Year 2011 : 1 citations

 G. Wainer, E. Glinsky, M. Gutierrez-Alcaraz. “Studying performance of DEVS modeling and simulation environments using the DEVStone benchmark.” Simulation: Transactions of the Society for Modeling and Simulation International, 87(7), pp. 555-580, 2011.

Year 2006 : 1 citations

 JCS André, JM Urbano, DX, Viegas. "Forest fire spread models: The local quasi-equilibrium approach.? Combustion Science and Technology, 178 (12), pp. 2115-2143, 2006.

Year 2005 : 2 citations

 A. Muzy, E. Innocenti, A. Aiello. "Modelling and Simulation of Ecological Propagation Processes: Application to Fire Spread.? Environmental Modelling & Software, Vol. 20, No. 7, 827-842, 2005.

 A. Muzy, E. Innocenti, A. Aiello. "Specification of Discrete Event Models for Fire Spreading.? Simulation: Transactions of the Society for Modeling and Simulatin International, Vol. 81, No. 2, 103-117, 2005.

Year 2002 : 1 citations

 A. Muzy, T. Marcelli, A. Aiello, P.A Santoni, J.F. Santucci e G. Wainer. "Comparing Simulation Methods for Fire Spreading Across a Fuel Bed.? Proceedings of the AI, Simulation and Planning in High Autonomy Systems, (Lisboa, 7-10 Abril), 219-224, 2002.

Year 2001 : 1 citations

 A. Muzy, T. Marcelli, A. Aiello, P.A Santoni, J.F. Santucci e J.H. Balbi. "An Object-Oriented Environment Applied to a Semi-Physical Model of Fire Spread Across a Fuel Bed.? Proceedings of the European Simulation Symposium, (Marselha, França, 18-20 Outubro), 641-643, 2001.