We propose the grand challenge problem of dependability benchmarking and prediction for real-time mission-critical systems (RTMCSs). Evaluating dependability would quantify the degree of reliance that could justifiably be placed on a critical system, even in the face of partial failures or exceptional conditions. A comprehensive result would require an inter-disciplinary approach embracing the entire product lifecycle. While there are significant technical hurdles to both assessing the dependability of individual elements and combining resultant measures, a viable approach must be found to ensure that the computing systems our society is coming to depend upon will be reliable, available, safe, and secure. The participation of several communities, including the Real Time Computing community, is vital to successfully address this challenge.
Dependability benchmarking
First Workshop on Evaluating and Architecting System Dependability (EASY), July 2001
Cited by
Year 2007 : 2 citations
Wolfgang Forster, Christof Kutschera, Dietmar Schreiner, Karl M. Goschka, "A Unified Benchmarking Process for Components in Automotive Embedded Systems Software," isorc, pp. 41-45, 10th IEEE International Symposium on Object and Component-Oriented Real-Time Distributed Computing (ISORC'07), 2007
Marios D. Dikaiakos, "Grid benchmarking: vision, challenges, and current status?, Concurrency And Computation: Practice and Experience, 19:89"105, Wiley InterScience (www.interscience.wiley.com). DOI: 10.1002/cpe.1086, 2007
Year 2006 : 1 citations
Marios D. Dikaiakos, "Grid benchmarking: vision, challenges, and current status?, Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, Volume 19, Issue 1 , Pages 89 " 105, Published Online, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, 13 Jun 2006
Year 2005 : 2 citations
Denise Eng, Dimitri Mostinski, and Martin Talbot, "Feasibility and Practical Considerations of Database Self-Managing Technologies?, CS848 Final Project, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON, Canada, 2005 (http://www.cs.uwaterloo.ca/~m2talbot/project/CS848-FINAL%20PROJECT.pdf)
Ji Zhu, James Mauro, Ira Pramanick, "R3: A Framework for Benchmarking System Availability?, IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks, Performance and Dependability Symposium, DSN-PDS 2005, Yokohama, Japão, 28 de Junho a 1 de Julho de 2005
Year 2004 : 4 citations
Aaron B. Brown, Leonard Chung, William Kakes, Calvin Ling, David A. Patterson, "Experience with Evaluating Human-Assisted Recovery Processes?, IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks, DSN 2004, Florença, Itália, 28 Junho a 1 Julho de 2004.
J. G. Geraldi, "Managing Perturbations IN AN International Business Network?, Proceedings of Global Project and Manufacturing Management Symposium, Siegen, Alemanha, 6 e 7 de Maio de 2004.
Aaron B. Brown and Joseph L. Hellerstein, "An Approach to Benchmarking Configuration Complexity?, Proceedings of the 11th ACM SIGOPS European Workshop, Lovaina, Bélgica, Setembro de 2004.
Aaron B. Brown, Joseph Hellerstein, Matt Hogstrom, Tony Lau, Sam Lightstone, Peter Shum, Mary Peterson Yos, "Benchmarking Autonomic Capabilities: Promises and Pitfalls?, Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Autonomic Computing (ICAC"04), Nova Iorque, 17 de Maio de 2004.
Year 2003 : 4 citations
Ji Zhu, James Mauro, and Ira Pramanick, "Robustness Benchmarking for Hardware Maintenance Events", IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks, Dependable Computing and Communications, DSN-DCC 2003, San Francisco, CA, USA, pp. 115-122, June 22-25, 2003.
Aaron Brown, "A Recovery-Oriented Approach to Dependable Services: Repairing Past Errors with System-Wide Undo?, Report No. UCB//CSD-04-1304, Computer Science Division (EECS), University of California, Berkeley, California 94720, December 2003.
Ji Zhu, James Mauro, and Ira Pramanick, "R3 - A framework for availability benchmarking", Supplemental volume of the IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks, Dependable Computing and Communications, DSN-DCC 2003, San Francisco, CA, USA, pp. B86-B87, June 22-25, 2003.
T. Jarboui, "Surete de Fonctionnement de Systemes Informatiques " ÿtalonage et Representativite des Fautes?, tese de doutoramento de Tahar Jarboui, LAAS-CNRS, Toulouse, França., Maio de 2003, LAAS-CNRS, Toulouse, França.
Year 2002 : 6 citations
David Oppenheimer, Aaron B. Brown, Jonathan Traupman, Pete Broadwell, David A. Patterson, "Practical Issues in Dependability Benchmarking?, Second Workshop on Evaluating and Architecting System Dependability (EASY), São Jose, California, EUA, 6 de Outubro de 2002.
George W. Herbert, "Failure from the Field: Complexity Kills?, Second Workshop on Evaluating and Architecting System Dependability (EASY), São Jose, California, EUA, 6 de Outubro de 2002.
George Herbert, "Failure from the Field: Complexity Kills", Second Workshop on Evaluating and Architecting System dependabilitY (EASY), San Jose, California, EUA, 6 Outubro de 2002.
A. Brown, L. Chung, and D. Patterson, "Including the human factor in dependability benchmarks", supplemental volume of the IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks, DSN-2002, Bethesda, Maryland, USA, pp. F9-F14, 23 a 26 de Junho de 2002.
M. Cukier and C. Smidts, "Using bayesian theory for estimating dependability benchmark measures", supplemental volume of the IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks, DSN-2002, Bethesda, Maryland, USA, pp. B17-F18, 23 a 26 de Junho de 2002.
J. Zhu, J. Mauro, I. Pramanick, "System recovery benchmark", supplemental volume of the IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks, DSN-2002, Bethesda, Maryland, USA, pp. B27-F28, June 23-26, 2002.