MONITORING AND ALARM MANAGEMENT FOR SYSTEM: A web-based comprehensive approach
In this work we propose a computer platform that aims to unify the tasks of monitoring, diagnosing, errordetection, alarm management and intrusion detection associated with the administration of a computer
network and related critical services. As main objective, we intend to develop a user-intuitive program that
does not require specialized computer skills from the operators in order to assume full responsibility for the
system. Open-source solutions were used, whenever possible, namely for server operating systems,
application development tools, database engine and integrated Web solution. The project started by
studying the existing solutions, exploring their strengths and shortcomings and iteratively defining the
specific requirements to be implemented. The development phase was conceptually divided in three
different levels: the agents and connectors collecting the data from the different areas being monitored; the
database engine, cataloguing the information and the Web Interface (Security Portal) that allows the
management of all functionalities and guarantees the operationability of the solution. An alarm management
tool should also be developed permitting, according to programmed warnings for certain malfunctions,
trigger the warning messages through the pre-defined medium ' E-Mail, SMS (short message service) or
IM (instant messaging), using a Unified Messaging (UM) solution. According to the defined specifications,
the solution to be implemented was designed and a functional analysis was created. Finally the projected
solution was implemented and applied to a case study ' the Department of Fisheries Inspection from the
General-Directorate of Fisheries and Aquiculture. The preliminary results from the reliability and userfriendliness
tests were very positive and a decision was made to move into the production phase. The
platform was developed in line with current accessibility requirements and can be operated / consulted by
users with disabilities.