Topics in Case-Based Reasoning - Selected Paper from the First European Workshop on Case-Based Reasoning, Kaiserslautern, Springer Verlag., January 1994
Cited by
Year 1998 : 1 citations
B. Lemaire, Models of High-dimensional Semantic Spaces, In Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on MultiStrategy Learning (MSL'98), June 1998.
Year 1997 : 2 citations
Ramon López de Mántaras, Enric Plaza, Case-Based Reasoning: An Overview, AI Communications, IOS Press. Vol. 10 : 1, pp. 21-29 (1997).
Ahmed Almonayyes, A multi-level Indexing Scheme for Retrieving Cases of Multiple Points of View, Fifth German Workshop on Case-Based Reasoning, 1997.
Year 1995 : 2 citations
Seitz Uhrmacher, Cases versus Model Based Knowledge - An Application in the Area of Bone Healing, Fourth German Workshop on Case-Based Reasoning: System Development and Evaluation.
David Leake, "Case-Based Reasoning in context: The present and future", 1995.