Learning Contexts: a Blueprint for Research
Most research efforts in online learning tend to concentrate on the delivery of contentrelegating to a lesser role the contexts, the activity-rich, interaction-rich and culturallyrich
learning environments that the use of technology is making possible and where new
principles and practices apply. We illustrate some of the threads of this emerging research
field: What are learning contexts? How do they interact with contents? How can they be
managed? What philosophical perspectives and social theories frame and support their
use? Can they be designed? How do they shape the platforms of the future?
Actor Network Theory, assessment, community of practice, content, context,Subject
Education & LearningJournal
Interactive Educational Multimedia, pp. 127-139, October 2005Cited by
Year 2014 : 1 citations
Helena Pedrosa-de-Jesus, Aurora Moreira, Betina Lopes (2014). So much more than just a list: exploring the nature of critical questioning in undergraduate sciences. Research in Science and Technological Education, 04/2014 32(2).
Year 2013 : 3 citations
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Year 2012 : 3 citations
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Year 2011 : 1 citations
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Year 2010 : 2 citations
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Year 2009 : 2 citations
Jorge, N. R. (2009). Contextos de Aprendizagem 2.0 : a Utilização de Ferramentas Web 2.0 para uma Aprendizagem em Contexto. Dissertação de Mestrado. Universidade Aberta.
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Year 2008 : 2 citations
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Year 2007 : 5 citations
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Year 2006 : 1 citations
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