Computing Aesthetics



Aesthetic judgment is one of the most valued human characteristics, being regarded as a remarkable display of intelligence. Popular knowledge tells us that it is purely cultural. In this paper, we present a brief theory according to which aesthetics depends on biological and cultural issues, namely on visual image processing. We present an implementation of this theory and the experimental results achieved. The tests were made with two purposes in mind, validating the theory and using it as a basis for the automatic generation and evaluation of images.


Evolutionary Art, Creativity, Aesthetics



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 **Li, Yang, et al. "Learning aesthetic judgements in evolutionary art systems." Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines: 1-23.

 **York, William W. "Cognitive Science, Aesthetics, and the Development of Taste."

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Year 2012 : 11 citations

 **Galanter, Philip. "Computational aesthetic evaluation: past and future." Computers and Creativity. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2012. 255-293.

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 **Colton, Simon. "Evolving a library of artistic scene descriptors." Evolutionary and Biologically Inspired Music, Sound, Art and Design. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2012. 35-47.

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