Classification of Seafloor Habitats using Genetic Programming



We use genetic programming for the classification of different seafloor habitats, based on the acoustic backscatter data from an echo sounder. By developing a different fitness function and dividing the multiple-class problem into several two-class problems, we were able to improve the results presented in a previously published work, providing a better discrimination between most of the seafloor types used in this study. We discuss the quality of these results and provide ideas to further improve the classification performance.


Genetic Programming


Late Breaking Papers at Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO-2005), June 2005

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Cited by

Year 2010 : 1 citations

 Pedro G. Espejo, Sebastián Ventura, and Francisco Herrera (2010). A Survey on the Application of Genetic Programming to Classification. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SYSTEMS, MAN, AND CYBERNETICS"PART C: APPLICATIONS AND REVIEWS, VOL. 40, NO. 2, MARCH 2010.

Year 2009 : 2 citations

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Year 2008 : 2 citations

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Year 2007 : 1 citations

 Holmes KW, Radford B, Van Niel KP (2007). Marine versus terrestrial predictive mapping: Geographic modelling constraints of working underwater. In Proc of the 9th International Conference on Geocomputation 2007.