Adaptive Query Processing in the Looking Glass,
A great deal of work on adaptive query pro-cessing has been done over the last few years:
Adaptive query processing has been used to de-
tect and correct optimizer errors due to incor-
rect statistics or simplified cost metrics; it has
been applied to long-running continuous queries
over data streams whose characteristics vary over
time; and routing-based adaptive query process-
ing does away with the optimizer altogether. De-
spite this large body of interrelated work, no uni-
fying comparison of adaptive query processing
techniques or systems has been attempted; we
tackle this problem. We identify three families
of systems (plan-based, CQ-based, and routing-
based), and compare them in detail with respect
to the most important aspects of adaptive query
processing: plan quality, statistics monitoring and
re-optimization, plan migration, and scalability.
We also suggest two new approaches to adap-
tive query processing that address some of the
shortcomings revealed by our in-depth analysis:
(1) Proactive re-optimization, where the optimizer
chooses query plans with the expectation of re-
optimization; and (2) Plan logging, where op-
timizer decisions under different conditions are
logged over time, enabling plan reuse as well as
analysis of relevant statistics and benefits of adap-
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Cited by
Year 2008 : 2 citations
A Cost-Based Approach to Adaptive Resource Management in Data Stream Systems
M Cammert, J Krämer, B Seeger, S Vaupel
The Collective Index: A Technique for Efficient Processing of Progressive Queries
Q Zhu, B Medjahed, A Sharma, H Huang - The Computer Journal, 2008
Year 2007 : 6 citations
Adaptive Index Utilization in Memory-Resident Structural Joins
B He, Q Luo, B Choi
Adaptive Query Processing
Amol Deshpande, Zachary Ives, and Vijayshankar Raman
Foundations and Trends(R) in Databases
Paperback - Jul 1, 2007
Adaptively Reordering Joins during Query Execution
Q Li, M Shao, V Markl, K Beyer, L Colby, G Lohman
ICDE 2007
Automation Everywhere: Autonomics and Data Management
NW Paton
Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Springer Berlin / Heidelberg
Data Management. Data, Data Everywhere
Volume 4587/2007, Pages 3-12, August 19, 2007
Adaptive Index Utilization in Memory-Resident Structural Joins
B He, Q Luo, B Choi
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, TKDE 2007
Dynamic Optimization of Subquery Processing in Grid Database
Naijing Hu, Yingying Wang, Liang Zhao
Third International Conference on Natural Computation (ICNC 2007) Vol V pp. 8-13
Year 2006 : 7 citations
Adapting to changing resource performance in grid query processing
A Gounaris, J Smith, NW Paton, R Sakellariou
Int. Workshop on Data Management in Grids, ICDE2006
A Foundation for the Replacement of Pipelined Physical Join Operators in Adaptive Query Processing
Kwanchai Eurviriyanukul, Alvaro A. A. Fernandes and Norman W. Paton
Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Current Trends in Database Technology - EDBT 2006
Springer Berlin / Heidelberg
Volume 4254/2006, pages 589-600, October 17, 2006
Dynamic Plan Migration for Snapshot-Equivalent Continuous Queries in Data Stream Systems
Jürgen Krämer, Yin Yang, Michael Cammert, Bernhard Seeger and Dimitris Papadias
Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Current Trends in Database Technology - EDBT 2006
Springer Berlin / Heidelberg
Volume 4254/2006, pages 497-516, October 17, 2006
Adaptive Query Processing
A Deshpande, Z Ives, V Raman
Foundations and Trends® in Databases: Vol. 1: No 1, pp 1-140, 2006
Sliding Window Query Processing over Data Streams
Lucas Golab
University of Waterloo, Technical Report CS-2006-27, August 2006
A Cost Model for Adaptive Resource Management in Data Stream Systems
M Cammert, J Kramer, B Seeger, S Vaupel
Technical Report No. 52, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Marburg, 2006
Modular Adaptive Query Processing for Service-Based Grids
A Gounaris, NW Paton, R Sakellariou, AAA Fernandes
Autonomic Computing, 2006. ICAC'06
Year 2005 : 3 citations
Finally, a Use for Componentized Transport Protocols
T Condie, JM Hellerstein, et al
Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on Hot Topics in Networks, 2005
Query Processing using Negative Tuples in Stream Query Engines
T. M. Ghanem, et al
Technical Report 04-040, Purdue University, April 2005.
Optimizing progressive query-by-example over pre-clustered large image databases
AK Choupo, L Berti-ÿ?quille, A Morin
Proceedings of the 2nd International workshop on Computer vision meets databases, 2005