Suporte de Mobilidade para Aplicações Multimédia em Redes de Acesso Heterogéneas



Next generation of wireless networks are envisioned to be composed by heterogeneous access technologies. This diversity asks for a common infrastructure to reduce operational costs and enhance resource efficiency. To support the different access networks, IP technology was chosen due to its widespread and transparency. On the other hand, the increasing integration, autonomy and low cost affordability of the wireless terminals combined with the astounding development of wireless technologies leads to the necessity to provide seamless user mobility.

Since IP technology was not developed to handle mobility, it is necessary to overcome the location dependency of IP routing providing mobility support in the next generation wireless systems. This way, one of the key challenges in the next generation networks is the development of mobility management techniques that will support seamless handovers between different access technologies.

In this thesis a mechanism to avoid packet losses during handover is proposed. Packets that in other circumstances would be lost during handover are in this approach stored and retrieved after handover. The mechanism operation and the simulation environment are described and the obtained experimental results are analyzed.


Seamless Handover, Mobility, Multimedia, Next Generation Networks


Mobility Management

MSc Thesis

Suporte de Mobilidade para Aplicações Multimédia em Redes de Acesso Heterogéneas, July 2006

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