Multicast in Wireless Sensor Networks - the next step
Multicast potentially optimises bandwidth consumption and node resources, when several users simultaneously participate in a communication session. Nevertheless, contrary to the expectations, IP multicast has not experienced widespread deployment, with the exception of IPTV. On the other hand, emerging Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) applications could greatly benefit from multicast and constitute another field where multicast can be an effective and efficient technique. The question is: do multicast advantages hold in WSN scenarios?This paper discusses and evaluates the use of multicast in Wireless Sensor Networks. A WSN platform with IP support and multicast is being developed. Concurrently, simulation studies were performed in order to assess the usefulness of multicast in WSNs. The results clearly point to the benefits of the use of this technique in processing and energy-restricted environments such as this one.
Cited by
Year 2015 : 1 citations
Sushmita T. Mahajan, N. R. Wankhade, “Fault Tolerant Middleware Multicast Routing In Wireless Sensor Networks”, International Journal of Advance Research in Computer Science and Management Studies, Volume 3, Issue 11, November 2015.
Year 2014 : 2 citations
Bhatia, A. ; Hansdah, R.C.; “A TDMA-Based Energy Aware MAC (TEA-MAC) Protocol for Reliable Multicast in WSNs”, proceedings of AINA 2014 - IEEE 28th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications, Victoria, Canada, May 13-16, 2014.
Sule, C. ; Shah, P. ; Doddapaneni, K. ; Gemikonakli, O.; “On Demand Multicast Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks”, proceedings of AINA 2014 - IEEE 28th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications, Victoria, Canada, May 13-16, 2014.
Year 2012 : 1 citations
Shiow-Fen Hwang, Kun-Hsien Lu, Yi-Yu Su, Chi-Sen Hsien, Chyi-Ren Dow, “Hierarchical multicast in wireless sensor networks with mobile sinks”, Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, Special Issue: Recent Advancement in Wireless Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks, Wiley, Volume 12, Issue 1, pages 71–84, January 2012.