On the Development of Critics in Evolutionary Computation Artists



One of the problems in the use of evolutionary computer systems in artistic tasks is the lack of artificial models of human critics. In this paper, based on the state of the art and on our previous related work, we propose a general architecture for an artificial art critic, and a strategy for the validation of this type of system. The architecture includes two modules: the analyser, which does a pre-processing of the artwork, extracting several measurements and characteristics; and the evaluator, which, based on the output of the analyser, classifies the artwork according to a certain criteria. The validation procedure consists of several stages, ranging from author and style discrimination to the integration of critic in a dynamic environment together with humans.

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 **Lewis, Matthew. "Evolutionary visual art and design." The Art of Artificial Evolution. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2008. 3-37.

 **Hemberg, Martin, et al. "Genr8: Architects’ experience with an emergent design tool." The Art of Artificial Evolution. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2008. 167-188.

Year 2007 : 5 citations

 Una-May O"Reilly, Martin Hemberg, "Integrating generative growth and evolutionary computation for form exploration", Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines, Volume 8, Number 2, 2007.

 Martin Hemberg, Una-May O"Reilly, Achim Menges, Katrin Jonas, Michel da Costa Gonçalves, and Steven R. Fuchs, "Genr8: Architects" Experience with an Emergent Design Tool", in "The Art of Artificial Evolution", Romero and Machado (Eds.), Natural Computing Series, Springer, 2007.

 Matthew Lewis, "Evolutionary Visual Art and Design", in "The Art of Artificial Evolution", Romero and Machado (Eds.), Natural Computing Series, Springer, 2007.

 O. Bown, G. A. Wiggins, On the Meaning of Life (in Artificial Life Approaches to Music). In Proceedings of the 4th International Joint Workshop on Computational Creativity. A. Cardoso and G. A. Wiggins (eds.). London, UK. 17-19 June, 2007

 O. Unold, M. Troc, "Curve, Draft, and Style: Three Steps to the Image", Applications of Evolutinary Computing, Volume 4448/2007,601-608, 2007.

Year 2006 : 1 citations

 **Hemberg, Martin, et al. "Exploring generative growth and evolutionary computation for architectural design." Art of Artificial Evolution, Springer, Heidelberg (2006).