On the Definition of Musical Notes from Pitch Tracks for Melody Detection in Polyphonic Recordings



The present study addresses the problem of defining musical notes from pitch tracks, in the context of a system for melody detection in polyphonic musical signals. This is an important issue for melody transcription, as well as melody-based music information retrieval. Previous work in the area tackled mainly the extraction of melodic pitch lines, without explicit determination of musical notes. There-fore, in this paper we propose an approach for creation of musical notes based on a two-stage segmentation of pitch tracks. In the first step, frequency-based segmentation is carried out through the detec-tion of frequency variations in pitch tracks. In the second stage, salience-based segmentation is performed so as to split consecutive notes with equal value, by making use of pitch salience minima and note onsets.




Music Information Retrieval


DAFx\'05, September 2005

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Cited by

Year 2010 : 1 citations

 1. Hamadicharef B. (2010). “Bibliometric Study of the DAFx Proceedings 1998-2009”. Digital Audio Effects (DAFx2010), Graz : Austria

Year 2006 : 1 citations

 di Salvo V.G. and Bertini G. "An Identification System of Monophonic Musical Tones?. 14th International Conference EUSIPCO 2006.